Chapter 24 - Keep The Faith

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Live life as if you'll die tomorrow and dream as if you'll live forever!


Chapter 24

*this is short sorry*

"Hello where Keep The Faith."

The camera man gives us a thumbs up and walk back towards the boys.

"Cute." Liam says pulling me in for a tight hug.

Now its time to finally get break for a while. Visit with family and just chill for a while. I don't plan on a ding much but sleeping in our break.

Tonight I planned on just going and sleeping but Liam had other plans.

"I have something special for tonight." he smiled grabbing my hand and pulling me towards his car.

"Liam I'm tired." I complain but he just opens the car door and I get in. "Where are we going?" I ask confused when he turns the opposite direction of our houses.

"You'll see. I already told your dad." He smiles again grabbing my hand. I have a feeling this is a date.

"Were here." He shakes me awake and we are in front of a big restaurant I've always wanted to go to. its expansive but I've heard its really good.

He comes around and opens my door grabbing my hand and politely walking me in. Louis and Eleanor stand hand in hand in the lobby.

"When did this happen?" i ask Ponting to their linked hands as Liam and Louis go into conversation. It's a weird to think that their in a band together now.

"It hasn't he just never let go." she smiles blushing a little.

"Ooooooo" I say winking at her. She just shakes her head and looks down. know she likes him but she won't admit it unless he asks her.

"Table for Louis." we all follow the waitress to a table and order our drinks and talk about everything. Its crazy his things have changed in the past few weeks.

Soon we order and I get a big bowl of Spaghetti. My favorite food in the entire world.

After we order we continue talking but the Louis does something unexpected" Eleaonor Clader will you be my girlfriend?"

She looked at me and I gave her a big thumbs up. She smiled and hugged whispering "yes" in his ear. 

Liam just smiled so I have a feeling this was planned.


Today I spelt in until 11:30 and it was the best feeling in the world to wake up and not be tired.

Today is just going to be a lazy day. Liam, Eleanor, and Louis are coming over to watch movies and hang just hang out. I'm excited to just be able to relax. Never thought I would miss it but in a way I do.


Sorry that was short

Love you awesome nerds!! 

- Shelby

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