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Song: 'Safety Pin' by 5 Seconds of Summer

It was warm. Way too warm for me. The scent of cinnamon filled the air and it was darker than usual. Opening my eyes, I stared blankly at the body before me. He was sitting; his jeans on, no shirt covering his toned muscles. Fuck. My mind travelled to a few hours before, remnants of what we had done hitting me in all its strength. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck. What have I done? What have I fucking done?

"Morning, sunshine." I didnt bother to answer him; instead I glared emotionlessly at his covered legs. "Tea?" Umi asked. When I didn't reply, he lowered the mug for me, as though making sure I reacted to his presence. "No? Well, okay." He sipped on the tea. The drink had cinnamon and honey, and a lot of it by the scent which flooded my room.

"Where's Jason?" I asked, recalling my brother went out last night.

"He got home a while after you falling asleep." The pink haired man informed, looking down at the curled up me. A frown prespassed his frame. "You okay?"

"I'll answer after I shower." I do need a warm shower, I hate feeling dirty. "Where did you get the cinnamon and honey?" I asked, as I didn't have them at home.

"I bought them." Of course he had bought them. The bastard grinned presunciously at me. Fucking bastard. Scowling, I got up, taking the blanket with me and walking to the bathroom.

I should be happy. Laraumi finnaly got what he wanted, didn't he? Now he's probably leaving. For good, this time. Sweet mother of Jesus... How could I be so fucking naive to the point of believing he cared, to the point of being just another girl on his list, another play toy. 'Just another girl.' The words echoed heavily through my mind. 'But you can't deny that you wanted it, Narlee. You craved the men like you craved everyrhing else in your miserable life.' My conscience spoke. Great. Just what I fucking needed.

"Shut up..." I muttered, turning on the hot water. 'And now you're crying your eyes out because he's leaving you. Because you're useless. All you are good for is to give him a few hours of pleasure, only to be thrown away after, like garbage.' - "Shut up!" I shouted this time, to the dirty, ink covered girl on the mirror. My heart pounded hastily on my chest, my body trembled with the cold weather and cold thruth.

"Lee?" Laraumi called, knocking on the door, not even giving me decent time to answer. "Everything okay in there?" He stepped inside, and I covered my naked body with the blanket again almost in a defensive manner.

"Yeah. Sure." I said, looking everywhere but at his face, at his ivory specious face. I couldn't. I was sure last night was nothing more than another night for him. 'You're pathetic.' It recited in the deepest lumber of my mind.

A subtle frown formed on his face; prompt lips curling in displeasure while walked further in the bathroom, getting closer and closer to me each time. No, go away... Back off. If he touched me I would give in to tears...

"Narlee, I'm serious."

"Do I look like I'm not?" I snorted, glancing at the shower, the water still cascaded down the faucet like I would cascade in my own nemesis if he weren't to leave. "I need to shower. Get out." When I glanced again at his body, I felt just like and animal; trapped by its predator. If I extended an arm, my hand would touch his powerful chest. He was too close, I could tell by the way his eyes pierced inside every bit of me, undressing my soul and ripping it apart, divided by the desire to kiss him and the desire to expell him. Laraumi had become a demon for my sanity too quickly. It all happened too quickly with him. For the first time since I had met him I felt scared. I was afraid and lost, vulnerable. And I haven't felt like this in ages. I hate what he's doing to me. "Get. Out." I repeated, threatengly. He wasn't backing off. Why aren't you backing off?! Even if a very light smug smile had appeared on his lips, his silence was the scariest part of it.

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