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Hey guys! So, I wanted to give you guys another part!

Matt was lucky. The bullet had only gone through his side. The man with the sniper was furious with himself, how could he allow himself to miss?

Retreat. It was the only thing Matt could do right now, unless he wanted to get beaten. Matt started limping away, the last standing man raced after him. Matt found himself being tackled to the ground with his head being pressed against the cement. The man, Roger, was pressing his head down with his elbow.

Matt let out a brief gasp of pain as Roger pinned one of his arms behind his back and pushed hard.

The Man with the Sniper aimed his gun once more, this time going for the head. He wouldn't miss this time. He knew it. Matt swallowed hard and his jaw hung open so he could squeeze air into his lungs.

"Unmask him." Came a voice behind both of them. The voice had a heavy German accent, and it sounded self-righteous and arrogant. Matt attempted to move, but Roger was surprisingly strong, inhumanly strong.

At his command, a man stood up from the ground and walked up to Matt. Matt could hear his steady heartbeat the scent of his strong cologne almost made him gag.

Matt makes an effort to move, making Roger grind his elbow between Matt's shoulder blade and rib cage. It didn't only near snap his bones, but it pressed on his skin and pinched his nerves. It felt like the Hulk was trying to give you a massage.

After Matt let out a brief scream, sweat starting to leak down his neck. It glinted as it ran down the side and made his skin sticky.

A cold hand grasped the bottom of his mask beside his nose. It made his teeth grind with frustration and pain. The veins on his neck were starting to pop out from exhaustion, and the bullet wound wasn't exactly helping either.

Matt shut his eyes as his mask was pried from his face and cold air hit it. His teeth were stained with blood, he hasn't even noticed he was bitting down on his tongue until he tasted the metallic taste of the red liquid.

The man approached him, his hands behind his back, like he had high authority. "Do any of you know this man's name?" Came his voice to break the silence.

The silence lasted a while as the men exchanged unknowing glances with slight shrugs of their shoulders. The man crouched down in front of Matt.

"If you ever cross our path again...," he started, then gave a low, menacing chuckle. "You will not be so lucky, devil." He words were solemn, and sent shivers down Matt's spine.

"Who...?" Matt starts, but the berth quickly escaping him. The man gave Roger a quick motion of his hand to tell him to loosen up a bit. "Who are you?"

"I am called RisingWaters," The man informs him, a grin spreading on his face. Matt takes a deep breath in. He was about to do something that he didn't usually do. Negotiate.

"I think.. I think we can help each other." He manages to say, his voice airy and struggling. The man gave a loud chuckle, almost mocking Matt. He laughed like Matt was a young child making a stupid decision.

"And what do you propose, devil?" The German man asks him, a hint of laughter in his voice.

"I think we can- nnhn... I think we can work together-" he says, wheezing slightly. "To get F-Fisk."

The German suddenly frowned, then looked around to his men, who was equally shocked expressions on their faces. There was a long pause, and Matt listened to the slight rise is each of their heartbeats.

"You are working against the man called Wilson Fisk?" The German asks with a serious tone in his voice. Matt doesn't say a word, but they get the notion that he was.

-- I have a clear shot -- Came the Man with the Sniper's voice through an earpiece the commander was wearing. The commander stood slowly, pressing his earpiece in.

"Do not shoot until I order you to otherwise." The commander answers through the earpiece.

- Foggy, foggy, foggy... - Matt's eyes widened as he heard his phone start to ring. Had he forgotten to leave it in his flat? The men all looked to Matt, the Commander bending and pulling out his phone from his pocket.

"Hey!" Matt snaps angrily. "Drop that!" Matt scowls, trying to get himself out of the Roger's grip. The commander gives Matt a look, then answers the phone and puts it to his ear. The fast drumbeat of Matt's heart pounded in his chest.

"Hey, Matt?" Foggy says into the phone. The commander clears his throat. "Listen, I know you're upset about losing the case, and about Karissa, but I need you to start helping me with the cases a bit more."

The commander listened, but didn't answer Foggy.

"... You there, buddy?" Foggy asked into the phone, and the commander  gave Matt a look.

"Your friend cannot come to the phone." Said the Commander in a simple tone.

"What?! Who is this?!" Foggy said suddenly, with a hint of fear is his voice. Matt was breathing heavily, he was scared, and he didn't know what to do. He swallowed hard. He couldn't let Foggy know about him being the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. It would cost too much, he had too much to lose.

"That is of unimportance. I have your friend... Matt, here." The commander tells him.

"What do you want with him?" Foggy's voice was firm, though he was on the verge of losing his mind.

"Find out for yourself." The commander answers, then gives Foggy an address and hangs up the phone.

Cuss words were rolling through Matt's head and clamped his jaw shut to prevent them from sliding off his tongue.

How could he explain this to Foggy?

Back at Nelson and Murdock, Foggy quickly rushed into the room. Karen looked up from her computer and have Foggy a confused look.

"Foggy? Is something wr-" she starts, but Foggy quickly cuts her off.

"Karen! I think Matt's in trouble, we have to go!" Foggy instructs her, yanking a coat off of the coat hanger near the entrance and pulling it on. Karen quickly stands up, confusion growing.

"What happened?" Karen questions, getting her coat on as well. Foggy opens the door for her and she quickly leaves with Foggy right after.

"No time to explain, I'll tell you when we get there. Did you drive here?" Foggy asks her as they rush down the stairs, drawing attention from quite a few people.

"Well, um, yes." Karen answers a bit slowly. All the suddenness of it all scares her and she couldn't think straight.

"Great. Then let's go find him."

Dare Me • Marvel's Daredevil Fanfiction • Charlie Cox •Where stories live. Discover now