A Neko...?

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Sebastian's P.O.V

I quickly caught y/n before she fainted. I told the young lord that you were not human, in fact I didn't know what you were."Sebastian, get the carriage ready, I think we need to pay the undertaker a visit."Ciel said as f/n practically screamed "OMG THE UNDERTAKER IS SO HOT OMG HAVE YOU SEEN HIS EYES AHHHH!"

I carried you bridle stile out to the carriage and placed your head on my lap, as Ciel wanted finny to drive. I looked at your delicate face as you slumbered peacefully, I just hope the undertaker can tell us what exactly is going on.  'wait do I have .....feelings for y/n.' I thought to myself. ' I have never felt this way towards a human before... what do they call this emotion....love?'. We arrived at the shop just as you started to wake up.

Your P.O.V

You woke up feeling warmness in your hand, as you looked up you saw Sebastian looking at you with a comforting smile. 'WAIT is the sexy, emotionless demon butler actually smiling at me!' You looked down at your warm hand and saw that it was intertwined with Sebastian's. You blushed and you heard f/n laughing. "Looks like you and Bassy have a thing going on." She said still uncontrollably laughing you shot up and blushed a deeper red than grell's hair. "SHUT UP!". Sebastian smirked and got out of the carriage. Sebastian offered you his hand as you stepped out, followed by Ciel and f/n. "OMG ITS THE UNDERTAKERS SHOP" F/n squealed as you enter the shop. There were coffins everywhere and to be honest you were as excited as f/n was but you were better at holding in you excitement.

" Hehe welcome back lord Phantomhive, I have been expecting you and your little friends." Says a creepy but all too familiar. You felt f/n pretend to faint as you caught in your arms. "OMFG I'M ABOUT TO TAKE FANGIRLING TO THE NEXT LEVEL"  "OK CALM YOUR TITS WOMAN!" You slapped f/n across the cheek. An awkward silence filled the room until f/n, the undertaker and yourself nearly died of uncontrollable laughter. "WAHWAHWHA! l-lord Phantomhive if you keep these two here for a few minutes all my information is yours. "Well that was easier than expected, anyway I need information on what y/n is and how she got here." Ceil stated not knowing. After you all stopped laughing the undertaker examined you. " Hey, watch where your putting hands" You saw f/n mime "lucky" at you, and you nearly burst out laughing again.

After the undertaker finished poking and pulling you he said "As i thought young y/n here is a very rear combination of demon and cat...she's a neko." You stared in disbelief "WTF, if im a neko then where the hell are my ears and tail!" You said as you touch your head just to make sure there wasn't anything there. " Ahhhhh now those will show up on your 20th birthday and as for your demon side... well I think that shorty's butler can explain that for you when you get back hehe." He said as he slipped back into a nearby coffin. "WAIT I HAVENT TAKEN A SELFIE WITH YOU YET!" F/n wined as we left the shop.

" Well this will take some getting used to, at least this wont start for another 2 days." You said as realisation hit you in the face, like a brick." WAIT I'M FUCKING HALF DEMON!!!!" Sebastian looked at you and smirked, as he helped you into the carriage "I think im getting a bit hungry" F/n said to you as you were riding along. You stared at her as she asked " What are you craving? hahaha" I shot her a look. "Your soul if you don't stop, and yes I can say that and actually mean it too. Sebastian chuckled at you and f/n started to laugh. "Well I hope I can still eat normally because I think i would rather have MY soul be ripped from my body than live without Chinese food and Turkish delight." F/n and your self laughed a lot. There were still so many questions that you still need answered.

You started to just sing all because of you by Chiharu Len. You had a beautiful singing voice and so did f/n so you sang each line together, forgetting that Sebastian and Ciel are sitting next to you.

This is your time,

Your life flashing before your eyes,

And soon enough you will realize.

This is goodbye,

But what if i gave you a chance,

You just have to sell your soul.

Look around what do you see,

The choices you never had guts to make,

Im sorry you never could be,

The man that you wanted,

But regret is wasted on me.

You both stopped singing because neither of you can scream that high.

" Were did you learn that song!" Ciel said with questioning eyes ( well one eye hehe). "On the internet look I'll show you the video." You took out your phone from your pocket and shoe ceil and Sebastian the video. "Warning, Ciel its about you and Sebastian i always imagined as if Sebastian was actually singing it to you, hehe. Are you sure you want to look?"You told him before you played the video. "Don't be so foolish now do i have to order you to play it or can you just show me!" You clicked the play button and they watched the music video in silence.

You looked at f/n and she hugged you as if when the song ended you would both be nothing but lifeless bodies in a pool of your own blood.

When the song ended ceil said nothing and just looked out of window. you were scared for your life and you actually thought that you saw a tear is his eye. Sebastian looked at you and smirked, god damn his smirks there always so sexy they make you want o rip his shirt off where he sat. " Im sorry if that video was too much Ciel i hope you can forgive me." "Y/n when we get back i would like to see you in my study. Do you understand." Ciel finally said. "yes, my lord." You replied. You were getting uncomfortable when ever Sebastian's and your eyes meet he looked as if he wanted to say something but you were to scared to ask, so you decided to try to sleep.


see you in the next chapter!

A gift from a raven(Sebastian x reader modern)Where stories live. Discover now