Chapter 4 - The First Workout

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Kat's POV

Monday, I woke slightly sore but feeling invigorated. I hadn't done physical activity like that in so long that I couldn't remember the when the last time was. I got out of bed and stood in front of my mirror, taking in my naked body. Nothing had changed physically, but I couldn't help but feel that I looked different for some reason. Maybe it was getting rid of my cheating ex, kissing a totally hot stranger, and then working my ass off at the gym that was doing it to me.

Even though it had only been a day, it felt to me like a weight had been lifted off my chest. I had bought workout clothes that actually fit, spending more on them than I did on my regular clothes. The only thing that had me not so happy right now was the food list that Jack had given me. Breakfast this morning was an egg white omelet with veggies, and a tiny amount of cheese. My lunch, after I got back from the gym, was going to be a grilled chicken breast with a salad. Dinner, salmon with yet another salad. I was allowed snacks, but those were only fruits and vegetables, and if I was feeling extra hungry, I was also allowed a little bit of nuts and hummus.

After I had finished my omelet, I put on my workout clothes. My new sports bra managed to hold my boobs in place without giving me the dreaded uni-boob. The grey shorts I had on came down to my knees and were tighter than I normally liked, but my purple tank top was long and loose enough that it hid the cellulite on my ass and thighs.

The worst part about my outfit was the stupid brace that I had to wear. I had never hit anyone in my entire life, not even the evil girls in high school that had picked on my red hair and braces. Even being a cheerleader hadn't helped with the bullies. But I had gotten over that years ago, even making my peace with some of the girls that had bullied me.

One of them, Sandra, was married with three kids and was the sweetest woman now. I learned that she was so mean in high school because her home life wasn't very good. Her father had died at the beginning of our freshman year in a car accident, with her older brother dying a few months later while serving in the army overseas. She had bottled everything up inside, taking her anger out on anyone that tried to get close to her with the exception of her friends.

Sighing, I grabbed a water bottle and went out to my car, trying not to think about running into Wolfe at the gym. My only hope was that he didn't work this early in the morning.

When I reached the gym, I hid my purse under the seat, only taking in my water bottle and keys. Rosie was sitting at the front desk and she smiled at me, "Good morning."

"Morning," I slightly smiled back at her. "So Jack said yesterday that you would have a workout plan for me at the front desk?"

"Yes, he left it with me a couple hours ago." Rosie chuckled, "He was pretty sure that you would come back this morning, something about you being stubborn."

I took the paper and pen she handed me, "Yeah well, I'm not about to let something like a sprained muscle keep from working out."

She glanced around real quick and leaned over the counter conspiratorially, whispering, "So the guys around here have been wondering how you hurt your wrist, they're just too chicken to ask."

"I punched my ex in the face, hard. I'm just lucky that I didn't break anything."

"When your hand is healed, you should seriously considering taking some lessons from Alex. He's our resident boxing expert." She looked like she was going to say something else, but she just said, "He's actually our resident expert in all kinds of fighting. He could teach you to punch correctly so next time you won't hurt yourself."

"You know, I was told the same thing the night I hurt my hand, that I had done it wrong." I smiled at the memory of Wolfe and his piercing blue eyes, "Thanks Rosie." I started to walk away, but I turned back to her, "Hey, can you keep how I got my injury between us. I don't really want anyone else to know about my violent tendencies."

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