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"Well what do we do now?" Rose said still shivering. "I've been in New York before. I think." Jack Said hesitantly. " I do know that we can check into a hotel." Jack pointed in the right direction. As they walk side by side , their clothing starts to unstiffen from the heat. "Hello. We came from the sinking ship called the titanic. Could we have a room please?" Rose asked the clerk ." Sure. That's $98.99.""Um, excuse me," Jack stepped in, " did you not hear that we came from a sinking ship!""I under stand sir but no money no room." Jack raises up his fist." Jack! No!" Rose shouts. With a smack the clerk goes down , bruises all over her face. Jack reaches through the counter and grabs a key to a hotel room. Together they run up the stairs to the seventh floor. Out of breath from jumping and whooping they reach room107 . Right away rose curls up in the blankets. She falls fast asleep. Jack gets in the bed trying not to bump rose.

Life after the titanic( if jack was alive)Where stories live. Discover now