Part 2

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She jumped in her jeans and hoodies and left home in a rush, they had agreed to meet at a cafe nearby so she decided to walk. When she arrived she got a text from him that he was 10 mins away maximum. She sat down and tried to light one of her cigarettes, her hands were very shaky; that she couldn't even hold the lighter.

Trying to kill time till L arrives, she got out her mobile and started looking at twitter feed.

"@theFUNguy, K, smile in the face of your troubles"

"@theFUNguy, K, no matter how life is tough you are tougher"

"@theFUNguy, K, try to believe in your surroundings, there as people who can surprise you with how much love and care they have for you"

"I really wish to know who the fun guy is," said K

The fun guy is someone who appeared onK's twitter timeline few months ago. Every couple of days he would tweet her stuff mainly dedicated to raising her power and moral. The point is he usually comes in the timing when she need support the most.

Few minutes later L arrived. Looking at her he was sure something was terribly wrong. She gave him a big hug that made him blushed.

"Whats wrong?.. K?"

"Had a huge fight with my fiancé"

"what ha...," she cut him off by asking him "how did you know what happened to me? t..tell me more about the dream L please"

"Well, as I told you; you were walking in some sort of an empty land, felt into a water well and kept searching for a way out. You kept holding into rocks to try and climb but whenever you hold a rock it either slips and falls or it makes you slip and hurt yourself," he looked at her and found waterway running down her eyes, he continued saying

"But once you calmed yourself down and looked around you, you found a narrow staircase made out of the rocks. You used it to get yourself out again and none of the injuries was there when you were out. That's when I called you to check if you were ok".

Tears were running down her eyes like someone just blown up the water dam to an endless sea. He handed her a tissue and asked her to calm down.

"I don't need to know what happened now," he said. "but I need you to calm down and to know that this is a sign. That whatever wrong is going on, whatever troubles you are in shall be fixed. Smile in the face of your troubles K, you fight better that way"

Her hands started to rest and her lips began to draw a small smile on her face. It was the 1st time she raises her eyes to him since he came.

"Omg, L what's wrong with your left eye?"

"Nothing, it is just a minor infection. Am wearing an eyepatch to keep it clean, don't worry"

"Yeah, but why didn't you say something earlier? You shouldn't be out in the street now it could get more infected."

" No, it's ok, I am here as long as I am needed".

She told him about her fight with her fiancé and what everyone told her. He listened and listened for almost 30 minutes before her started talking. She told him about how her fiancé doesn't care and how he is ignoring and neglecting her. And how he started showing signs he doesn't want to continue.

"He stopped loving me L, he is looking for an out of this relation"

"That's it? You are basing your assumption based on what you just told me he do?"

"What do you mean that's it? I told you he doesn't care. He never asks, never call. He always put his own personal interest ahead of mine or ours. And now he says he need to postpone the wedding for another 6 months just because of minor stuff at our apartment that could be easily fixed in 2 weeks after we move in."

"You talked to him?"

"I did"


"He kept saying that it's nothing and that its all in my head. And told me if I really trust him I would know he never would bail on me. But the point L is that I am really scared. I have seen this shit happen to many of my friends, I have seen guys getting away like that."

"You have nothing to be afraid of. Guys when they are looking to run we don't defend our position, we just make any excuse and create a fight. Not try to put one off. Believe me stand by his side, I am sure he won't let you down"

"Thanks, L, you really saved me. I did need to talk with someone I can trust"

"Don't mention it. Please, you know where to find me whenever you need. Believe in people around you K, they can surprise you."

Then she left, with tears in her eyes. This time those tears weren't sadness of fear But were actually happiness. That someone made her feel comfortable.

On her way back there was just one idea in her mind, she feels she had this conversation before somehow. The situation seemed to be repeated, she felt. "Thank you lord for L, I really needed that talk," she said to herself

Few minutes later and K's fiancé called her. She answered quickly but had no chance to even talk.

"K, I need to see you tomorrow urgently, it's about the wedding. Text me when you wake up tomorrow. am Sorry for everything. Have to go, bye"

And the dam was blown again in her eyes, filling that blackly marked waterway again...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2015 ⏰

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