My First Day

435 14 44

(Edited - 2 August, 2017)

Mathieu's POV

"They say we are what we are but we don't have to be
I'm bad behavior but I do it in the best way.
I'll be the watcher (watcher) of the eternal flame.
I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams."

My radio blasted out Immortals by Fall Out Boy, a new hit from America, effectively waking me up from my slumber and giving me a dose of reality. You see, today is my first day at Ouran Academy!

"Master Mathieu please get up and get ready! You are now going to be attending Ouran Academy and you must look your best for your first day!" My personal maid Rosette who moved with us from Spain called while opening the curtains. The reason today is my first day at Ouran Academy even though I'm in second year and it is not the first day of school is because I used to live in Spain.

But now... I live in Tokyo, Japan because my family's fashion company has just gained a lot of revenue in Japan. So, to keep an eye or two on the company that will most likely be mine one day, we moved to Japan. Leaving my best friend François behind in Madrid.

Rosette dropped my uniform on the bed for me to put on once I was done stretching.

"Master Mathieu once you put on your uniform your parents would like to speak with you downstairs during breakfast to discuss your new school." Rosette informed me, gesturing to my new uniform before briskly exiting my room and leaving me to get dressed, since I took a shower last night and I didn't need another today.

I examined the uniform I would be wearing for at least the next year, or until my parents decide to have me move once more. It had a bluish-purple blazer with the Ouran Academy emblem on it, along with a white button-up dress shirt and a black tie with a stripe down the middle that was a bit of a deeper purple than the blazer. There were black dress pants to go with the whole posh feeling. To wear with that I put on my black dress shoes and my cross necklace.

My family did happen to believe in God and so did I. I mean we are, sorry, were from Spain in which most people were Christian. We don't really practice it too much like going to church but we do turn to God sometimes. Like when we moved.

Enough about that though. That is in the past and I live in the present. I examined myself in my full length mirror and saw my familiar, unruly brown hair sticking up at all angles which happens no matter what, my Emerald green eyes which runs in my family on my dad's side, and my perfect uniform. I tucked my necklace underneath my uniform shirt and decided to make my perfect uniform not so perfect by loosening my tie and unbuttoning a few buttons on my shirt as well.


I walk downstairs to go see my parents like Rosette told me to, and I see them staring at me descend the stairs like hawks while seated at the table. They seem ready for a lecture... oh boy...

Buenos días Mathieu!" My parents greet in sync while I sat down and started to eat my waffles with whipped cream and strawberries along with some leche.

"Your mother and I just wanted to give you a heads up on what to expect at Ouran. We spoke to Chairman Suoh and he gave us your schedule. You're in class 2-A along with the Chairman's son. But please try not to get involved with him and his friends because he is in a Host Club." My father explained.

I almost spit out my food... what the heck is a Host Club?!

"Uh Dad? What is a Host Club?" I questioned nervously.

"It's a place where, in the Chairman's sons words, 'the schools handsomest boys with too much time on their hands, entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran Academy's elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful.' Which I think sounds like a club for handsome boys to fool around. I don't want you to mix with those boys until you know that they don't just have that host club for their own foolish desires and truly like to make every girl happy. Only then will you be able to make friends with those fools." He paused and muttered, "Even then I'm not sure I will approve of any friendships between you." He spoke a bit louder so I could hear, "Do you understand me Mathieu?" My Dad asked me.

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