What's a Host Club?

289 9 3

(Edited - 3 August, 2017)

Mathieu's POV

Flower petals assault me from all sides and a light blinds me. Once it clears I see Kaoru, Hikaru, Tamaki, Kyoya, and three other boys.

"Welcome," They chorus.

"Wait, it's just the new transfer student." Hikaru and Kaoru informed the rest of their club in unison.

'Ouch, that kind of hurt guys I thought we were amigos now? I guess not' I pouted.

"It's Mathieu!" Tamaki exclaimed excitedly before running up to me and continuing on, "Hello Mathieu, I would just like to say that I am personally so glad you came to the Club on this fine afternoon!" Tamaki then started mumbling out nonsense about cold lambs and warmth from within and I tuned him out and started thinking about Spain, like I often did now when I went off into space.

"Matt! You're always so late to swim practice!" François commented laughing, splashing water at me as I waved him off. He was dressed in his usual royal blue swim shorts that were decorated with white swirls that reached just above his knees.

"I know, I know!" I laughed, "But I had to go to orchestra practice to work on a new piece with my cello, and then I had to practice the piano." I told him, for what seemed like the millionth time. I started to strip down into my swimsuit that I often wore under my uniform. It was just  a simple black swimsuit that reached my ankles and was adorned with red accents. They were my favorite out of all my swim attire. I preformed much better while wearing them and, for whatever reason, my times always seemed to improve when I wore them.

*short whistle* *short whistle* I got onto my platform, on the side of François.

*long whistle* I got into ready position for our 500m freestyle practice smiling at my best friend  whom I could see out of the corner of my eye as I saw him smirk at me before facing the glimmering pool in front of us.

*BANG* I dove off the platform and---

I felt a tug on my new uniform pants, pulling me out of my reverie. I looked down to see the most adorable kid I had ever seen, who had such wise eyes.

"Matt-chan why do you have such a weird look on your face?" He questioned me, obviously smarter than he appears to be with his small form and making me nearly tear up at his use of my friend's nickname for me.

"I was just thinking about home and my best friend, it's nothing, really," I spoke while crouching down to the high school student to speak on even ground with him.

"Oh, okay!" He beamed, and looked like he thought of something as he spoke once more. "I didn't introduce myself yet did I? My name's Mitskuni Haninozuka, but you can call me Honey!" He then motioned to another teen that I hadn't seen around the school yet, which was odd because he was so tall. Sort of like a 'Mama Bear' if I may say so. "This is Takashi Morinozuka, and you can call him Mori. We're in class 3-A." Oh those are cute nicknames, but did he say a third year?!

"Yes, it might be hard to believe, but Honey-senpai is a third year," the other black-haired male known as Kyoya commented on. Although I wasn't overly surprised, as his eyes were definetly not that of a child. "So, what do you think of this club so far?" Kyoya inquired, looking up from his ever present black book.

I thought upon what little I had seen of the club before being bombarded with introductions, but couldn't honestly recall much. But soon, I saw orange hair appear in my field of vision that spoke my thoughts for me.

"Honestly Kyoya-senpai, he didn't get to see us in action," Hikaru started,

"So how does he know how it feels to be hosted?" Kaoru finished. Kyoya seemed to ponder this while I began to feel really drowsy, and felt my eyes begin to droop.

"Caro-san, would you like someone to host you?" Kyoya inquired up at me, and I looked away.

'Dad said not to get involved with the Host Club, but it couldn't hurt to see what they actually do though. Right?' I thought to myself, as I was still unsure of what a Host Club was, with my Father's very peculiar explanation. "Um sure. I'll request Tamaki I guess, since he invited me here in the first place." I spoke up to Kyoya, while he wrote frantically in his Death Note--- notebook. I meant his notebook.

"What's that?" I heard from the other side of the room, "My son wants me to host him?!" A cluster of rushed footsteps came from Tamaki all the way to me. "Let us go to somewhere more... private my foreign beauty." Tamaki called, winking and grabbing my arm a bit less than gently as he guided us over to a more secluded corner of the club room.

"Okay Tamaki, but you don't have to pull so hard or my arm might fall off." I chuckled after Tamaki dragged me to the new spot for his "hosting". He, after a bit of a struggle, did let go of my arm though, and I was able to sit across from Tamaki in a rather soft and comfortable couch. I can feel myself starting to nod off as I hear whispers from behind the couches nearest us, but I paid them no mind in my drowsy state.

"Mathieu you shine more radiant than any sun in the universe." Tamaki commented, while getting a bit closer than I would've liked. I felt my cheeks heat up, what is this?! "You are red like the roses I admire so, absolutely adorable," he finished. Why is he speaking this way to me when he never has before?

"Tamaki I appreciate all of these... compliments, but I don't understand why you're saying them to me instead of these beautiful ladies." I said, gesturing to behind the couch, where gasps emanated from, and a few unidentified squeals as well. It all made sense now, I better go before I fall asleep in this... unique place. "I'm sorry but I finally realize what a Host Club is and I really must go home. My parents will want to know where I've been and I should not stay at school so late on my first day, they'll be nervous that I got lost." I lamely came up with an excuse to leave that sounded rather plausible. I then attempted to rush out the large Host Club doors, but two gingers rushed into my sight once more, blocking my only exit from this room of horrors.

"Oh no"

"You're not going"

"Anywhere" The twins grinned when finishing each other's sentence. Not an innocent grin, more of a mischievous one. Like they had planned something against me, and I'd never be let in on their secret. But, I kind of wanted to know what hid behind their amber eyes. Right after I get out of here of course!

"Mis amigos. Por favor let me through?" I pleaded with my signature puppy dog eyes, trying to appeal to whatever good side that they may have.

"Nuh-uh Matt-chan! You have to at least have a slice of cake before you leave!" Mitskuni-senpai looked at me with the same puppy dog eyes I had used, but his were so much more effective than what my attempt was. They reminded me of a what little brother or sister's eyes would be, staring up at me. But while I longed for a younger sibling, my mother could no longer bear children after some complications in her pregnancy with me. However, my little family was happy enough, and that was good enough for me.

"Well, I guess I could have one piece," I reasoned with myself. Allowing myself to be led to a table in the center of the room where Mitskuni and Takashi senpai's table happened to be. Already filled with different types of cakes. I eyed a delectable looking vanilla cake, with what looked to be chocolate frosting coating the top of it. Takashi quickly put that piece on my plate after seeing my longing stare at it, and handed me a fork to eat it with. I could almost moan in happiness at its flavor. It was light and fluffy and definitely had some cream cheese added for an enhanced flavor. This cake almost tasted as good as the ones that my personal pastry chef makes for me. My eyelids started to droop even more with my fuller stomach, my earlier sleepiness coming back full force since the excitement of the day had left. Soon, all I saw were the back of my eyelids.

I barely heard the words, "Matt-chan you didn't finish your cake yet! You can't go nappy time!"

I heard the world no more.


Mis amigos - My friends

Por favor - Please

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