Intro and Rules

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Hey! Welcome to this fabtastical roleplay book! I'm Rosie and I am your hostess (I don't know what I'm hosting for but whatever) Of course I have a small handful of rules, but what's a good roleplay without those?

Here we go:

First off I will regard the note I made in the description: If by any chance you'd be willing  to roleplay any of these characters over DM on Instagram, tell me!! That's actually what I prefer right now because I can reply WAY faster on there! So just tell me in the comments of whoever you want!

~ Don't be sassy outside of the roleplay. I don't like people who mouth off and try bossing people around

~ Do not spam me -_- . Like if I haven't replied in a few days I'm totally fine with one LITTLE comment tagging me and saying "Hey where'd you go?" or something like that, but if it's literally been 10 minutes don't start tagging me like crazy yeah? I have other roleplays I'm dealing with and I can't always get around to everyone the minute they reply. I underlined this because I've been getting the most problems with spamming than any other rule listed on here.

~ I'm semi-ok with swears, just watch it ok? Censoring is nice, but as long as you keep things minimal I could care less about censoring. 

~ Don't have perfect characters. It's really~ boring if the whole time a character doesn't have flaws. Giving them a trait like being clumsy is perfect. I find flaws cute so just have fun ok?

~ 3rd person!!! I don't really like roleplays where people say, "I did this." and "I think this is ___" 3rd person (to those who don't excel in their english classes), is when the story is written with pronouns like "he" and "she" and "they". Oh and past tense please!

~ HAVE FUN!!!! If you want quitsies then just say it. I don't want to drag anyone through a roleplay

~ LONG replies please! At LEAST a paragraph (3-5 lines) I may start getting on your butt if all I'm getting is a sentence from you. It is FRUSTRATING when I feel like I have nothing to work with. 

~ NO SMUT. Im going to start cracking down on this one. I would really like keeping things at pg 13. Obviously most role plays are love stories but that doesn't mean we need to go crazy. If you wouldn't want your parents to see it, don't type it- simple as that. 

~ be on often. I'm on quite a bit unless I have a reason not to be, Although, with school around the corner I might not be on everyday. 

NOTE: If a character form says (reserved) or (taken), then you cannot roleplay with that character in this book. HOWEVER, if you ask to have that character in a roleplay over PM, then I will most likely say yes. 

That's it! Most of these rules are just common sense so I'm sure you'll do fine!

<3/ Rosie

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