Chapter 2

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       They began watching The Last Unicorn early in the morning. Dan had insisted that they have plenty of pillows and blankets to cuddle into and stuff faces in. By the time they had gathered literally every blanket and pillow in the house onto the sofa, Barry's cereal got soggy and gross. He threw it out and Dan hummed a song for the occasion. It was a lovely funeral, but they had no time to dawdle.

    "Are you ready for this shit?" Dan placed several blankets atop himself and closed the gap in the front by folding his legs and hugging them. Barry just spread a blanket across his lap. His mind wandered to the conversation he had with Ross just that morning. Of course he wanted to make a move during this movie, it would be perfect. But Daniel Sexbang was not one to make things easy. With the blanket cocoon it was easy to scoot closer but very hard to make any advancements.

       And so when Schmendrick was introduced; he scooted. And scooted. It was when Barry had his chin on Dan's blanket covered shoulder and blew air in front of his face that he noticed the position change. He just laughed and let out a snort, removed his arm from the warm fortress and flicked Barry's nose playfully. Barry's ears went red and he cursed at himself for letting such a little thing get to him. Dan was too focused on the screen to hear the profanities and for that, Barry was grateful.

       They both turned their attention back to the movie (one more attentively than the other) and watched for a while. Barry's head remained on Danny's shoulder and eventually, he noticed the arm still poking out from underneath the blankets. Danny had begun hugging his knees on the outside of the blankets with the same hand that he flicked Barry with. Without any train of thought attached to it, Barry traced shapes along the top of his hand and Danny arched an eyebrow. He looked down and wiggled his fingers.

    "So, uh. Barry?" Dan questioned.

    "Uh-huh?" He answered absent-mindedly.

    "What're you doin'?" Dan poked at the others' fingers.

    "Nothi-uuuh...UUUHHH," Barry snapped back into reality; thinking for a moment "fuck it..." He mumbled and pulled Dan's makeshift hood down. He let a finger trail down Dan's jaw line before stopping at his chin. Dan's eyes were wide and flicking around while Barry was fairly sure he would piss himself at any given moment. Without anymore hesitation; Barry pressed his lips against Dan's. Before Barry could continue, Dan put a palm against Barry's chest and pushed away. He put the blanket over his head again and paused the movie just as Lir met Amalthea.

       "W-what are you doing, man?!" Dan let out a breath and tapped his fingers tensely on his knees. Barry could see the crimson staining Dan's cheeks from the shadows and he was very sure his was the same; if not worse.

   "I d-don't know! It happened though!" Barry got more nervous with every second that passed in silence.

Dan's face became serious, "what were you doing?"

And with that Barry's heart dropped. He wished nothing more than for the movie to continue. To actually get sad by the story about unicorns and not his choices in life.

   "Dan, I'm sorry, I don't know why I--" his voice cracked and he rubbed his beard "I'll stop bullshittin'," he raised his hands in defeat. Dan peeled his hood back a little and grabbed a pillow to stuff his chin into. To smother him with maybe? What had he just done?

    "Dan, I think I love you..."

    "Aw..." Dan shook his head gently, "I like girls, Barry."

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