Quote #6

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Why listen to the ones you barely know, when you can listen to the ones you trust with your life?

Guys, bullying is a serious problem. The world isn't as safe or kind as it used to be for a lot of people. Bullying happens everywhere. I ask that if you are a bully, please stop. It solves nothing nor will it ever. If you are being bullied, remember this quote. Find a friend or family member. If you can't or don't think they would understand or maybe you want blind support, Private Message me. I am here for whoever needs it. If we don't speak the same language.... Well we'll figure something out.

I want you guys to know that I'm a person too. I have my faults. All of us do. And all of us should be there for one another. Don't let petty words get to you. Message me and I will make sure to make you realize how important you truly are. There is at least one person on this world who would hate themselves for your death, or care about you so much they'd do anything for you.

Let me be that person.

Let me help you or give advice to help others.

I've saved a life before and I'd be happy to do it again.

I'm always here for you. If I don't message back I'm busy. If I do, I'm not.

I love you all even if I've never met you.

And I want you to know that forever, okay?

My brother just made a really weird monkey noise in his room.

He's 17.

I'm gonna go check on him now....

Love y'all so much.

And even if you blind or deaf or mute or epileptic or "deformed" or whatever else you might be, you were made you for a reason. Let that reason stand out.

Beethoven was deaf and he created beautiful music.

Why can't you guys do that too? You aren't as fragile as they say. You'll never be. Unless you what to be of course. You're not worthless.

I'm copying this note onto the next quote. It needs to be heard and read.

Love y'all


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