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Wolfe: we're back! And @mars_kid_04, wants steven to join fairy tail

Steven: yesssss

Wolfe: ok, let me just teleport you there

°Teleports steven to fairy tale°

Wolfe: it probably will take awhile, before he comes back, next!. Jasper!

Cheeto: what, and why does that thing says cheeto! °Referring to the name thing°

Wolfe: no reason, but lets talk somewhere else

Cheeto: fine :-|

°Goes somewhere else°

Cheeto: what do you want

Wolfe:you have a dare

Cheeto: oook

Wolfe: you have to shove Doritos in peris mouth, shove blueberrys in lapis mouth, and force dipper and mabel to kiss

Cheeto: yes, payback


Cheeto: hey peridot

Dorito: yes

Cheeto: come here

Dorito: ook °walks over to jasper cautiously°

Cheeto: °stumps peris foot°

Dorito: aak-mmm °doritos gets shoved in mouth°

Cheeto: °walks to the ocean and sees lapis° hey come here

Blueberry: ok °walks over to jasper°

Cheeto: °stomps foot°

Blueberry: awk-mmmm °Blueberrys get shoved in mouth°

Cheeto: °goes to find dipper and mabel, finds them°

Dipper: well yea- °gets cut off°

Cheeto: hey runts

Mabel: hey cheeto puff

Cheeto: °smiles, before grabbing there heads and bringing there face to a kiss°

Dipper: °pulls away° you know what, im just going to walk away °walks away°

Mabel: yep °walks in a different direction°

Back to me

Wolfe: °reads the dare/question° ooooooo, red! We need to talk!

Red: um ok

Goes to another room

Red: yes

Wolfe: you were dared to marry sapphire

Red: °////° w-wha

Wolfe: and i will help you find the right, wait no, how about we make a ring

Red: ok i guess

Wolfe: ok first we have to find a real purple diamond, then gold

Red: why purple

Wolfe: red and blue makes purple, so yeah

Red: oh ok

Goes find a real purple diamond and gold

Red: ok we have everything °hands me the materials°

Wolfe: good now go, it will take me all night

Red: ok °leaves°

Sapph: were were you

Red: i was getting some stuff for wolfe °laughs nervously°

Back to me

Wolfe: [good thing i disabled sapphires future vision, if i didn't, she would have found out]

Back to them

Sapph: well ok, but i have been having trouble with my future vision, it just won't work

Red: oh, don't worry, it will be back soon

Sapph: i guess ~°^~

Next day

Red: hey are you done yet °runs in Wolfe's room°

Wolfe: yes °shows her the black case° and since its been over a week, you can turn back now

Red: ok °turns back into original form°

Wolfe: °hands her the case°

Red: °opens it° wow, i think she will love this

Wolfe: yep, now lets go

Goes in the living where everyone was at

Wolfe: °sees steven° i guess you can back huh

Steven: yep, and man did i had fun

Wolfe: well its nice to know you did

Red: °clears throat° s-sapphire

Sapph: yes °walks up to a nervous ruby° and i see you turned back °pouts°

Red: °////° ye-yeah

Sapph: whats wrong

Red: umm °looks over to me°

Wolfe: °gives her a thumbs up°

Red: °kneels before sapph, and takes out the open box that holds the ring° w-will you m-marry me ~////~

Everyone except me: °shocked°

Sapph: °has tears in her eye° yes! But you know you don't have to do this we are gems

Red: i know, but it was dare °stands up, and slips ring on sapph middle finger°

Sapph: no wonder, and something tells me why i couldn't see what was going happen in future

Wolfe: yep!

Cheeto: ha!

Wolfe: what

Cheeto: you realize you don't have anyone

Lapis: um, you don't have anyone either

Cheeto: °°

Wolfe: i guess we can be lonely together TT

Cheeto: yep TT

Wolfe: well um bye

steven universe & gravity falls: truth or dare  [DISCONTINUED]✔Where stories live. Discover now