The texts: 3

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The next morning when Anna woke up, the first thing she did was text Brooklyn good morning. It was an everyday routine they'd been doing for years. Usually Anna would get a reply almost immediately, and when she didn't she knew something was wrong. A minute later, she got a reply that said:
Morning!! Meet at 10?
It was only 9:00 so Anna had plenty of time to get ready. She texted Fred the plan too.
They always met at the stream since It was so close to where they lived. Brooklyn lived just down the road, and Fred in between them. Anna's parents owned a paddock and they had 2 goats and 1 dog. The white goat is called Alfie and the black and white goat is called Gilmore. Their Dog is a golden lab called Toffee.

Anna decided to grab a bowl of cereal and check her Instagram. Her account was on private and she only allowed friends to follow her. Abby, Arthur and Emilia are her only other main friends but they only hung out at school. They all had liked her photo of them swimming the other day. She felt happy for that. She was just going through liking their photos when she got a strange text from Brooklyn. It said:
Anna was puzzled. Come? What does It mean? Come where? Anna had never gotten a text like this before. And from Brooklyn? Very strange. She texted back saying:
What? Come where? Are you ok?
A minute later her phone chimed. Another text from Brooklyn. Come over. Anna rang Brooklyn but It went straight to voice mail. She was beginning to get worried. I'm coming over. She texted Brooklyn.

A minute later Anna was knocking on Brooklyn's door. "Hello!? Anybody home?" No answer. She knocked again. This time a tall skinny blond haired woman answered. "Oh hello!" It was Brooklyn's mum, Mrs Broker. "Oh, hi." Answered Anna.
"How are you? Isn't It a bit early to meet Brooklyn? Shes only just woken up." Mrs Broker said. "Um its an emergency?" Said Anna.
"An emergency!? What happened to my Brooklyn!?" Exclaimed Mrs Broker.
Perfect chance to run through. Thought Anna. She slid past Mrs Broker and into the hall.
Although Anna had been in this hall many times, this time It felt unfamiliar.
Up the creaky stairs and into Brooklyn's room. "Anna!" Brooklyn exclaimed when Anna burst in. "What are you doing here? Is everything alright?" Brooklyn was standing in front of her mirror braiding her long hair. She tied It up and flicked It back. "You told me to come!" Anna pulled out her phone for proof. "Tell me what's going on." Said Anna. Brooklyn stared at her phone blankly. "What are you on about?" Said Brooklyn. Anna looked at her phone and went into messages. "Look." She shoved her phone in Brooklyn's face.
"What?" Said Brooklyn. Anna turned the phone around. The only messages that were on the screen was the one Anna sent saying 'good morning' and the one from Brooklyn saying 'morning!! Meet at 10?' A chill ran down Anna's spine. Someone had deleted them.

"It was there, I swear!" Anna had been trying to explain to Brooklyn what had happened. "Okay, okay, I believe you!" Said Brooklyn. They'd checked Brooklyn's messages and the deleted history, but there was nothing, like It had never been sent. Anna sighed and lay down on Brooklyn's bed. It was softer than Anna's. She checked the time on her phone. It was almost ten so they decided to walk down to the stream. Neither of them talked on the way, It was just a peaceful silence only broken by the sounds of nature.

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