The Oken

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Uta's POV

The door suddenly creaked open, and Toshirou walked through. His eyes widened when he looked at me. "Uta, you're awake!" I nodded slowly, my thoughts traveling back to the fight I'd just survived. Crap, my stomach! I placed my hands onto my torso, searching for signs of the injury I had received, but the skin was smooth.

Toshirou sat down beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "You're all right Uta," he soothed. "Orihime treated you." My eyes widened at what he was suggesting. "This goes beyond the point of treatment. I have no injuries! In fact, for someone who just had a hole in their stomach, I feel great!" He smiled slightly. "Orihime's powers are focused on healing and shielding. From what I know, she does possess some kind of offensive power, but it's not very strong." Hmmm, okay that's interesting. Orihime doesn't have the heart for battle. She's too soft. Maybe so.

"So, you feel fine? No dizziness, headaches or pain?" I shook my head. "I'm 100% healthy. Man, I owe Orihime big time. Where is she?" "She's at Urahara's." I blinked. "What? Why?" "She used a lot of power healing everyone. Rukia had similar injuries to you. So she was feeling quite faint last night. It seems Ichigo felt that it would be better if she stayed with Urahara overnight so he could keep an eye on her, and help her regain the strength she lost." I nodded and said, "That makes sense."

Toshirou then gave me a guarded look. "Injuries aside, are you okay?" I gave him a confused look. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He sighed. "Even though you've killed hollows before, it's not the same as killing a person." I looked away, staring at the window. Am I okay with that? I did take someone's life. Do you regret committing the act? What, no! He was a scumbag who deserved what he got. Then you're fine. You have not broken. You are stronger now because of this incident. You're right. Thank you.

With that conversation concluded, I turned to Toshirou and smiled slightly. "I'm fine. I don't care if saying that makes me a bad person. I'm not sorry he's dead." He smirked. "Good. Keep that attitude. It will help you in the future."

"Captain, what's taking you so long? Oh, are doing dirty things to Ut-" "Rangiku!" Toshirou cut her off. I stared at the voluptuous female that had just bounced through the door, my face growing hot. "Get your mind out of the gutter. I was just making sure she was fully recovered." A wicked glint entered her eyes. "It's not my mind that's in there captain." She laughed at his furious expression. Then she looked at me. "Uta! My, you're positively red! Was I actually right about-" "God no!" I yelled at her. "What the hell Rangiku?" She smiled and wrapped an arm around me. "Aww, Uta. I was only teasing." I cursed her softly so she wouldn't hear it.

"Anyway Uta, if you're alright, then put your uniform on. We've got to go to school." I groaned at the prospect. I've already been once! Surely not again. She chuckled at my reluctance. "Sorry, but that's our cover." "Why do you we have a cover when we're invisible?" I mumble. Rangiku laughed and proceeded to drag her captain out of the door. "Don't take too long Uta!"


After attending some classes, I decided to follow Toshirou up onto the roof. I sat beside him as he typed something into his phone, the silence strangely comfortable. I was staring up into the clouds.

"Guess who!" I whipped around and stared at the sight beside me before I burst out laughing. Rangiku had come up behind Toshirou and covered his eyes, her chest pressed up against his head.

Toshirou sighed. "Why are you playing silly games, Rangiku?" She drew back in surprise. "Wow! Captain, you're amazing, you got it right on the first try!" He jerked forward out of her grip, his cheeks tinted red. "You have a very distinctive voice." I laughed harder at this. He turned to glare at me. "I'm glad you find this amusing, Uta." I smiled at him. "Come on, lighten up! It is a little funny." He shook his head. I smirked evilly. "Distinctive 'voice' huh?" He turned red again. "Shut up."

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