Dear Diary:

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God I'm tired, so fucking tired. All I need is sleep, desperately needed sleep. I haven't had sleep in 3 Days, 8 Hours, 45 minutes and counting.

My name is Zero Kiryuu, I'm 17 years old and in my last year in the prestigious Cross Academy. I was adopted as a child by a lunatic man named Kaien Cross. I have an adoptive sister too, her name's Yuki. Life was simple, peaceful, pleasant for 16 years.

In those 16 years, my life has been devoid of problems. In those 16 years, I had top marks in all my classes. In those 16 years, I was happy. But no.

It all had to change. And why?

Because I'm gay. Homosexual gay. I like guys. I'm attracted to men.

I haven't told anyone, and it's always on my mind. And that's seriously starting to become a major problem, because it's all I think about. Like, all the time. All I want is some much needed sleep.

Because god, am I exhausted.

Maybe I should tell someone, someone like Kaito, or Yuki. I'm positive Yuki will still accept me with open arms, but Kaito? I don't know about him. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's still a friend and all, but we've never been that close. I mean, we were. He still talks to me now and then, but we've just grown apart over the years. 

Oh well.

I face the digital alarm clock on my nightstand. 0:57. Great, just another restless night. Only 7 Hours and 3 minutes to go.

I close my eyes, then I close them tighter.

Yep, still nothing.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, then I sighed. I look outside my window, it's snowing. Joy.

Maybe I should go outside, try and kill some time. Kaito's not doing any rounds, so it's clear. Eh, what harm could it do?

I sneak out of the Boys' dorm rooms as quickly as I can.

With no apparent direction, I start trotting through the foot high snow, with every step I start to regret ever coming out here.

It's cold, no scratch that - freezing, and I can barely walk on two legs. I'm already starting to get a cold, and I'm only wearing a sweat shirt and sweat pants. Fantastic thinking Zero, you genius prodigy!

It's snowing cats and dogs out here, I can't see a single thing. I look behind myself, and see nothing but mountains of snow. The hell did I even come out here again?

I sneeze, yep... Definitely going to be sick tomorrow.

Theres rustling in the bushes, then I see something that catches the corner of my eye. The rustling in the bushes start to shake harder, then I hear a deep, hostile growl. I'm basically shitting my pants at this point.

"Who's there?" I call out to an apparent no-one.

The shaking in the bushes comes to a surprising hault. A low, husk moan emitted from the bushes - my body froze. I'm going to die. I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die.

I shut my eyes closed, my fists clench as I prepare for the worst.

And the worst was... A cat?

A wild black cat sprung out from the bushes, leaping onto my face. The sudden attack knocked me off my feet - resulting in me landing on my bottom, hard, with only the snow to cushion my fall. Ow.

No Rest For The Racing Heart. [VampireKnight] [KanamexZero] [KaitoxZero] Kaze (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now