Chapter 4

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Thomas whipped his head around; did he imagine it? But then he saw the flash of light again, under a plank of charred wood. It was a metal box. Thomas scrambled over to it and pulled it out from the pile of ciders. He wiped it clean and read the faded letters printed on it:

Property of WICKED

Flat-Trans Generator

Terminal 7 Sector 12

His mind raced with possibilities and hopes and his heart felt like it was going to jump out of his throat. He sprinted back to the council building where he knew Minho and Brenda would be. He practically ran through the door and nearly knocked Brenda over. "We need to talk in private, now." Brenda and Minho exchanged glances and quickly followed Thomas back to the hut that they shared. By the time that they had reached their makeshift house Thomas' knuckles were white.

"Thomas what's up with you?" Brenda said looking very concerned now. "Nothing bad I just-" Thomas replied before Minho cut him off

"What are you holding?"

"Let me finish and you'll know," Thomas snapped,"I went to the Flat-Trans hut to - confirm something and I saw this box in the rubble. It says that it's a flat-trans generator." Silence filled the room as Brenda and Minho realized the situation. "Thomas even if we got it to work, we can't risk letting WICKED get to our Safe Haven." Brenda said logically, Minho nodded in agreement. But Thomas suspected this. "I know you're running out of medical supplies." He retorted sharply, the damage was dealt. Minho replied, " Thomas, Teresa is dead! Your obstinance is not going to change that!". If Minho had shot him in the foot it would have hurt less. Thomas turned around and briskly walked out of the room. He needed some air and some space. Thomas knew that he thought they were crazy, that it was just PTSD. But no matter how many times he told himself that it was just the guilt of having his best friend sacrificing herself for him and dying thinking that he hated her, for putting a bullet through his best friends head; and for letting a child give his life to protect him after knowing him for a couple of weeks, and Chuck died thanking him. It sickened him to the core; he hated himself. And after watching Newt spiral into insanity, seeing his eyes glass over as a halo of blood encompasses his head. He still didn't aid WICKED in their search for a cure.

A rustle in the trees behind Thomas abruptly ended his train of thoughts and a sparrow flew out from amongst the crowded branches; its feathers camouflaging in with the night sky. It was night. Thomas had been walking for hours; he turned on his heel and made his way back to the cabin

"He has a point." Brenda was reasoning with Minho. She didn't know that Thomas was eavesdropping outside, praying the she would win him over; he did have a sweet spot for her. "We're running short of medical supplies and Thomas needs some sort of closure with Teresa. Maybe seeing WICKED might help him let her go. It might let him recover. Her words were toying with his mind, followed by a defeated sigh. "Fine if we can fix the generator we will go back to get supplies. But this is a one time thing, once we have what we need we're destroying the flat-trans once and for all. No going back." Brenda squealed and kissed him on the cheek, which left Minho mumbling sheepishly. They walked out of the hut and encountered Thomas; Brenda grinned and Minho looked mortified. "How much did you see shank?" Thomas gave him a wicked smile.

"You guys are cute," Thomas said, taking pleasure at Minho's discomfort, " I know you think I'm crazy but she could be alive; okay hear me out. Teresa and I were the final candidates and I escaped. They need her brain and they need it alive. Maybe the let her recover and maybe they haven't taken the sample yet. And I'm not leaving her to die again." His words rang in the air with conclusiveness and Minho said, " Look Brenda has already won me over now let me get some buggin' dinner. We'll work on the generator first thing tomorrow and we need to be quick, time is not on our side." 

And for the first time Thomas had something to look forward to.


Thank you so much for the reads and the comments. I really appreciate all of them and I am working on the next few chapters as you read this. Thanks again!

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