The walk begins

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As the vast expanse of green savannah stretched out before them, it seemed to endure endlessly. The aroma of sand mixed with the scent of life-giving greenery filled the air. A man, dressed in the quintessential safari attire of khaki shorts and shirt, adorned with a director's coat, stood beside a young girl. He held a book close to his heart, despite the burden of numerous bags he carried. The girl, her straw hat adorned with a pink bow adding a touch of whimsy to her outfit, struggled under the weight of her oversized luggage. Her neatly braided hair and innocent demeanor gave her a childlike charm.

As the man pondered their journey, the silence was abruptly shattered by the girl's barrage of questions. "Where's the gate? How far do we have to walk? Is anyone going to meet us?" Her inquiries bombarded him, leaving him momentarily unsure of which to address first. "We walk," he finally replied, setting off with purposeful strides, the girl struggling to keep pace with her shorter steps. Despite their efforts, the horizon remained unchanged, a vast expanse of arid yet strangely verdant land.

After miles of weary travel, the girl pleaded for respite and water. The man's excitement at their supposed arrival was palpable as he dashed ahead, leaving the luggage behind. But his enthusiasm was short-lived as he stumbled and fell, leaving the girl to gather their belongings and rush to his side. Spotting the book clenched tightly to his chest, she remarked, "It's like a mirage in the desert." "Sit," he instructed, and they both collapsed, panting under the unforgiving sun.

With only a drop of water left, the girl managed to revive the man, who still clung to his precious book. A mysterious stranger appeared, guiding them forward, though his interest in the book was met with the man's fierce protectiveness. As they journeyed on, the desolate landscape gradually gave way to lush greenery, offering a welcome reprieve from the harsh desert.

The contrast between the barren sand and vibrant vegetation was stark, rejuvenating both travelers. As they entered what seemed like a prehistoric paradise, the girl's innocent curiosity led her to explore, until a startling encounter with a carnivorous plant gave them pause. Holding tightly to the man's hand, they continued their journey, marveling at the wonders around them.

Finally, as the trees thinned out, they came upon a gate bearing a single sign: THE ZOO. Despite the challenges they faced, their arrival signaled the beginning of a new adventure within the confines of this unexpected oasis.

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