Chapter II

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Everyone was woken up bright and early. The lovely Rosalyn had coffee and morning pastries ready for everyone on the table that Charles had set on the stage as he did for every meal.

Ezra sat, dressed in black and white striped stockings, heeled ankle boots, a short skirt that was filled with ruffles and underskirts and a plain black tail coat with a blouse and vest suitably underneath. Ezra crossed his thin legs under the table, his long tail hanging off the side of his chair as he dipped his biscotte into his coffee, soaking it before he dared to bite it.

Vacilli was sat next to his brother, both dressed in their normal attire only alternating their colors. Veda was now dressed in black, light grey and baby blue while Vacilli stuck with the colors for fall, different shades of brown and faxed orange.

Veda had commented several times Vacilli should wear something brighter since their matching hair color was already dull enough.

Charles had his nose in the paper as per usual. Rosalyn was picking apart a blueberry muffin that sat on a small plate.
"The king's looking for his son still." Charles said as he lowered the paper and reached for his coffee.
"Oh really? I thought they found him last year." Rosalyn replied, looking over at her husband before she slipped a bit into her mouth.
"No no. They thought they did but as it turned out it wasn't even a boy." Vacilli said.
"It was just a girl. Pretending. I do believe she was very poor and her family put her up to it since she matched the description well enough. She'd been stealing from the castle for her family up until they found out she was a fraud." Veda continued, quite displeased in the whole affair.
"Oh my." Rosalyn shook her head, "I feel sorry for the family. After all they were just trying to survive. Well what was the description anyways?"
Charles lifted the paper slightly. "Brown dough eyes, curly blonde hair, a sharply pointed little nose. That is the only description they have. Seeing as he was lost when he was only a baby it would make sense them not having much to go on."
"Hell, with that description even Ezra could fool them. He'd probably do a better job since he is a boy." Melina commented.
Ezra scoffed, shaking his head. "Well I am quite sure they would have mentioned the prince having a tail as well as cat ears."
"Unless they wanted to keep that a secret." Vacilli pointed out. "It would be quite strange for the future king to have such, as they would call 'Deformities'."
"Look at his nose!" the other twin exclaimed, reaching over the table, getting dangerously close to squishing the jelly filled pastry with his stomach.
Ezra leaned back slightly, staring at Veda with wide eyes. "So what? Plenty of people could have these three features. Don't give me hope where hope is useless." he said, sticking his nose in the air before taking another bite of his biscotti.
"Well do you know your parents, E?" Melina asked, tilting her head. Ezra simply ignored her and everyone sat in odd silence for a while before Rosalyn finally broke it.

"So then, what is everyone up to today?" she asked, looking around at everyone. Her half adopted family. How lovely they all fit together at the table on stage.
"I must go into town for a few things. I need a gear and some copper wire and other scraps that'll probably be quite easy to find." Melina said.
"Oh how nice." Rose said softly.
"Is that for the robot you've been trying to make for the past five months?" Charles asked her. Melina nodded and before she could voice a response, Veda so politely interrupted.
"Well me and Vacilli are going to help out at one of the dress shops in town then we're going to the market for some groceries and such." he said, smiling. He knew if he let Melina continue her conversation with his father then they'd be so consumed in conversation no one would be able to say anything else. It was annoying really.
Rosalyn smiled and nodded. "Sounds delightful, Veda. What about you, Ezra? what will you be doing today?"
"Oh I might go to the dress shop with them and browse a bit, try on a few dresses and such." the blonde said, stirring his coffee with a tiny spoon. "I'll just go down to main street and perform a bit." he shrugged.

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