"I'm your sister, Kaneki..."

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¤Kaneki's POV¤
As I wiped down the tables, I heard Touka and Nishiki fighting again. "Damn you, Touka!" "Damn you, Nishiki!" Enji spoke up, his smooth voice piercing through the bickering. "Nishiki, Touka, can you keep your 'damns' to a minimum please? There are customers here..." The two stared at Enji for a moment before continuing their rambling.

I sighed, shaking my head a little. 'Those two never get along, do they?' I questioned myself. "Onee-chan! Can you help me with this?" Hinami pointed to her book. I smiled, always glad to see her learning. "Of course. What words do you need help with?"
~~~Time Skip~~~
¤Kaminari's POV¤
I growled as I carefully made my way through the crowds of people. The scent was almost overpowering, but I kept it under control. I scanned the area until I saw a sign that said "Anteiku Cafe". A grin found its way upon my lips. 'Finally... I get to see my brother again...' I hurried past people, getting glares and occasional profanities. I stood at the door, threw my hood over my head, then calmly walked inside.

The feeling inside the cafe was welcoming. I smiled softly as I sat down, my hood hiding my face. I sniffed the air. 'Ghouls work here...figures.' I twiddled my thumbs until a girl with purple hair approached me. "Welcome to the Anteiku Cafe, ma'am. What would you like?" I pointed to a table where Kaneki stood. "May I speak to him?" The girl stiffened a bit before nodding. "O-Of course. Kaneki! Come here!" He looked different. He wore an eye patch on his right eye. Other than that...nothing changed. "Yes ma'am, how may I help you?" I smirked and let down my hood. "How about giving your little sister a hug...?"

¤Kaneki's POV¤
'N-No way...Kaminari can't be alive...I-I watched her die...' "...eki...Kaneki!" I was snapped from my thoughts by Kaminari. She had a soft smile on her face, like she used to wear. "Why so pale?" Sweat rolled down my forehead before Kaminari sniffed the air, then me. "So you're a Ghoul now too, huh?" I froze.

"T...Too...?" I began to panic. 'Who...Who done this to my little sister...?' "How'd you become one?" Kaminari asked, curiosity in her pale grey eyes. "I...was in an accident and had organs from a Ghoul transferred into me...how about you?"

I sat down, still trying to comprehend the situation. Kaminari shrugged. "I don't know, actually. One minute I was taking a walk and this man approaches me. Next thing I know, I wake up on a bed that isn't mine and BAM!" She clapped her hands together. "I was a Ghoul." By this time, Enji, Touka, Nishiki, Kaya, Hinami, even the Manager was crowded around us.

Kaminari looked out the window beside of her. "I miss Mom." She whispered. I looked down. "I do too, Kaminari...I do too..." She stood and a tear dripped onto the table. I quickly stood and hugged her. I may have been confused, but she was still my sister.

"Shhh...it's okay, Kaminari. I'm here..."

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