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3.. 2.... 1... GO! As soon as I got of my platform the "bacca" charged at me. I took out my sword but wasn't  quick enough for a benja to take a hit in this fight. He placed down a tnt which would've killed us all! But it didn't. Instead the kept going. But how? The floor us under broke. We were all free falling and fighting! There skins were glitching... Seconds later they were somebody totally different...                      The two of them were just placing hits on me! The second I hit them both at least 100 times I realized who they were...                                                            Hackers as Choco had said! Suddenly out of nowhere I saw 5 of us falling? Who were the other two? Preston and Woofless! They came down fighting with me! I guess they must've survived the death tag. We all landed inside a strange place with a thud! I was sweating hot! We  had landed in a volcano! Tnt exploded behind me. "Uh oh", I said. But this time it was... The Choco-bro! Man was this my lucky/ very very confusingly death kind of unconscious... Well you get the point.        Boulders fell as I was dueling one hacker with woofless. " You now", the hacker said. " you can't beat a hacker!" And with that he pushed me off the ledge just to land on another ledge. He flew down to my level and stabbed me in the gut. My blood level was going to be the cause of my death if I didn't think fast! Woofless took him on as I regained my strength. Choco and Preston in the mean time, had took the other hacker and glitch him out the map which had had him kicked in no time. They came down and joined Woofless with the other hacker. The hacker had stabbed Preston in the heart, cut woofless'es head off, and Pushed Choco in to the lava. They surely had to be dead! I felt all my strength and much more come back to me. It seemed to me that I knew this guy. It just gave me a head ache. He came to me just as I passed out........................................................... I felt myself take him on but couldn't control myself. I woke up with him dead and me falling... Into a huge variety of numbers.... I was now just a bug.... A bug... in the matrix....

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