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Hey guys this will be divided up so dont think they are all linked:)
As the walls slide through my sights as we race through these color walls soon zooming past us. Voice heard now seem to echo in the past. Our heart beats out of hand. The time we thought was ours seems to change and soon we are lost in the void of endless blurs. Your hand grabs me as i thought i was lost in the blur u pull me out and back to reality beyond the darkness and toward the new lines of tomorrow unmade by today but never knowing the change we start making it. Our hearts beat to the sound and my mind reachs the hight of clouds as we draw the world yet to be made become a reality we now share
We run along the borders between the sunrise and sunset. Unable to convince our souls the moon exists. The howls of the night scream through the air. Our breaths grow hit as our minds race to the future as our hands lock as we make our jump. The waters of today cool and comforting as we stare up at tomorrow and yesterday howling at us. So lets swim this never ending ocean of magical moments and sing our hearts out with every fiber of our soul as we stare at the sky's with all our possible futures. So lets live today like its our day alive.
100 million life times we waited for the sunrise. 100 million more are yet to come. Up above the hill top. Under the moon lit sky. I whisper to you my dear. As we clutch each other in the night. We may not get another chance. So lets take the time to remember the moments we share. The moment the sun dose rise i may never get another chance to say this. So let me say this to you just these three simple words to make you remember how i feel. Just the three words i hold in my heart. I Love You.
The heart is beatin while we slam into the walls. The cage suspended in the air shakes as our heart beats louder as our breathes grow ragged from the thunder in our hearts. The time we spent in our cells ends as the bars snap. freedom from the traps is what we crave. The time chains the bind us break. This is more than we can take. The drop is all we need. The air that we crave the feeling it has made. This is the war of change
The heart is beatin while we slam into the walls. The cage suspended in the air shakes as our heart beats louder as our breathes grow ragged from the thunder in our hearts. The time we spent in our cells ends as the bars snap. freedom from the traps is what we crave. The time chains the bind us break. This is more than we can take. The drop is all we need. The air that we crave the feeling it has made. This is the war of change
Love never seems to able to come through my words. The false hoods i put ahead of my true goals seems to take hold of who i am. But i never intended for them to be their. The true nature was supposed to cone out but it seems the true words just fell behind my false ones. So let me express them now. Behind my new resolves i make these words. The ones i made when thinking about this future. This future made of smoke and clouds. Never knowing how it will end. The new Mystery hidden behind my new hood and my eyes. These are my words hidden in the depths of my heart. The true me who has hidden behind my mask.
Love never seems to able to come through my words. The false hoods i put ahead of my true goals seems to take hold of who i am. But i never intended for them to be their. The true nature was supposed to cone out but it seems the true words just fell behind my false ones. So let me express them now. Behind my new resolves i make these words. The ones i made when thinking about this future. This future made of smoke and clouds. Never knowing how it will end. The new Mystery hidden behind my new hood and my eyes. These are my words hidden in the depths of my heart. The true me who has hidden behind my mask.
Beauty that reaches beyond ages and barriers is not that of our bodys but the words of out heart. I may never get to say this to you face to face but i know i love you. Your words forever in my heart. Your soul forever remember through the ages by the memory's of those who you cared for and gave life. So i thank you for allowing me to be with you. Even if for a second i am happy to love you and your memory for the rest of eternity as long as i know your love loves within me. So let me tell you something important. I Love You
Ever growing is our mind. Empty of emotions. Thunder rumbles in our heart as the void starts to swallow all these feelings. The time we spent calling out to the world is now behind us. Trapped in our minds the things i once thought were useless now start to rumble. The locks i put now start to crack. I am coming back to this world. The thunder i thought once foreign starts to seem familiar. The time i lost to the world starts coming back. Beating i never thought existed comes to life. The locks snap. I am invaded by the emotions i once locked away. screaming their thoughts and desires as i wake up to the world. We are not alone. We are apart of it. We are part of the world filled with color and magic. We are your thoughts that you held back, the desires you thought didn't matter, and now we take over just as you think you can embrace this new world and make you watch as we destroy the gray you once lived in
We felt thunder in our hearts as we raced towards a ending not yet clear. The path crowded by doubt seems to open as we walk towards on this journey. Only hopes are we dont loose each other in these emotions that clog our minds. Too perfect are the moments we are together they feel as a slipping through our fingers. So our hopes grow in my heart as i look at you and see this future that may never be so clear..
50 shades of black fall into the rings of my eyes. Our songs lost in the void of time. Endless darkness engulfs this world while the light fights to keep its sparks alive within the cold world of tomorrow. We the future are loosing sight of the goals of our past. The once proud nations fall into nothing. The endless seems of the universe unravel and the time you spent fighting my world soon captures yours. My mind never wavering the sounds you fear i embraced. The time i lost fighting with you i spend with you. The embers of light still in you soon become precious treasure i hide away from the world in our own little castle made of black and night skys. Never letting the light find its once proud queen thats now my love and my wife in my lonely home of darkness

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