Strategy or Luck

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Penelope P.O.V

I can't believe we lost, if I had gotten that last throw in. This feeling is the most frustrating feeling I have ever experienced, this just gives the opposing alliance another reason to target me and vote me out.

I feel like I haven't even started this game; it would be way too early to go out now. I don't want the only thing for me to get out of this game is an empty stomach and an idol sitting in my pocket. I managed to snap up the iririki idol when the first note was delivered in tree mail, I managed to sneak off and get it without anyone noticing I was gone.

I'm not sure whether I should be proud of myself, or offended no one noticed. It's been so coupley at camp, not in a romantic sense but everyone has their pairings except Xavier and I, and although he's a lovely guy I can't see myself being besties with him.

Rhea had Sierra, Nick has Ashley and Meatloaf has Colby. My only option to have a chance in this game is splitting up these pairings, and if I can figure out who they're voting I might be able to completely blindside someone.

My mission for the afternoon is figure out who they're voting for and split up one of these pairings, and also make sure Rhea – my only alliance doesn't flip on me too.

Ashley P.O.V

I go down to the ocean after the challenge, completely covered in sand a swim is exactly what I need.

I wade out into the water and lay my head back, floating on the surface of the water. Ripples notify me of an unwanted companion and I open my eyes, shifting my hand to protect myself from the harsh sun.

Rhea stands above me smiling, her purple bikini making her resemble Ariel the mermaid.

"Hi Rhea," I smile warmly, I may as well be nice to her, even though its obvious she's here to scramble. Trying to vote me out last tribal did not work out in her favour.

"Hey Ashley, I was wondering if we could talk out here for a bit," Rhea said and I shrug my shoulders.

"Sure," I agree, sitting up and paddling a bit further out so my body is fully submerged in the salty water.

"Ok, well clearly we didn't get out to the best start and I just wanted to apologize for voting against you last tribal. I felt some sort of loyalty to Sierra and I didn't have the heart to vote her out. But I was hoping we could vote together this time?" Rhea looks at me hopefully and I quickly assess this situation. If I let her think she's in then that's an extra vote, unless she's just trying to suss out our alliance, in which case she could find out all our plans.

I blurt out a, "Sure," And her smile broadens.

"We're voting Xavier tonight by the way, so you have nothing to worry about anyway," I lie, trying to maintain eye contact to trick her into believeing me.

She nods slowly, " Not Penelope?".

"Nah Penelope did pretty well today, and I don't think we can allow Xavier stay in this game much longer, I think he'll do well in individual challenges so we should get him out before merge," I explain, hoping to convince her. I can't tell whether or not to trust her yet, so if she does vote Xavier I'll knowfor sure.

"Okay sounds good, I should probably leave you to it so people don't get suspicious," Rhea says with a final smile, before turning away and heading back for the shore.

Xavier P.O.V

I have no idea what's going on in this game at the moment. I've been completely tossed to the side and no one bothers to inform me on what's going on anymore. I know I've stuffed up a few times but that was just me adjusting to the game, now I feel like people should really start taking me seriously otherwise I'm as good as gone.

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