Chapter 8: Walking On

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The sun was beginning to go down on the horizon.
"I can't believe I did that..."
Alex dropped the blood-covered stone sword.
"What? Fight someone?"
"No... Kill someone."
Firea brushed dirt off her hoodie,
"The hunters aren't kind people, they hunt down and kill the elemental wolves and innocent people for honor or for fun, that man that you stabbed, he had it coming."
Alex looked at her,
"Thank you for saving me, Alex."
Firea leaned in and hugged Alex tightly.
At first Alex stood in a bit of shock, she wouldn't shake his hand earlier and now she was hugging him.
Alex slowly put his arms around Firea's back.
She was so warm and it calmed him down, making him feel happy after the most recent events.
Firea gently pushed away and started walking down the hill,
"There's a town up ahead, let's get going," she said sweetly.
Alex shook his head to clear his mind, picked up the golden enchanted sword, and followed Firea down the other side of the mountain.
*  *  *
"Hey, how did the hunters find you? And why did we even go up the mountain in the first place?"
Alex jumped off a two block high ledge at the very bottom of the mountain, right behind Firea.
"The hunters' have some of the most skilled scouts, they probably followed us and sent a couple of brute fighters after us."
Firea led the way through a field with many flowers, and a couple of oaks.
The sun had now left and the moon had taken it's place in the dark night sky.
Soon, many tiny stars dimly lit the sky.
"As for why we went up there, I wanted to speak with the old man atop the mountain. He is very, very wise and has the ability to sense things that most people can't."
She knelt down and picked a red Poppy,
"He claims its from some mystical stuff called aura."
Firea briefly looked back at Alex,
"I was hoping he could help you in some way... but it seemed the Hunters found their way to him first..."
Firea trailed off with her words.
Alex caught up to her and began walking side-by-side, while still gripping the golden sword in his left hand.
"Before the old man died... he said something about me having an ability with aura, does that mean anything?"
Firea put her white hood up over her red hair and her wolf ears angled backwards as a cool wind blew,
"I don't know really. He was very secretive it seemed, I didn't even know his name."
Firea stretched her arms out wide, letting go of the red flower and then her stomach made a loud grumble,
"Let's stop talking about this and get a bite to eat!"
Firea smiled and started slowly jogging, with Alex quickly joining her.
At the mention of eating, he felt his own stomach hurt quite badly actually.
He spoke between breaths,
"I hadn't eaten since... uh, I don't know when the last time I ate..."
Firea giggled,
"You didn't even eat something before we left?"
Alex moaned, "There was food...?!"
Firea giggled again,
"Yep, but don't worry, more food will be available soon, at Fallaver Town,"
Alex looked at her confused and she continued.
"It should be right around the corner, I've been there a hundred times, it's full of kind people willing to let us in."
Firea started to jog faster,
"Come on! I'll show you."
Alex followed Firea into the treeline and soon he started to see bright yellow lights.
As they came into a closer view and the forest ended, he saw it, a beautiful small town full of wood and stone houses, fancy buildings and unique designs, rows of flowers around different structures, a few trees, a red brick road, and tall posts with shiny golden blocks on top of them.
The whole town was surrounded by tall birch wood fences.
Firea walked right up to large birch gates where two chainmail-armored and spear-wielding guards stood.
When Firea and Alex approached, one scruffy looking guard leaned forward and spoke,
"Welcome to Fallaver Town."

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