Please Read

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Im am sitting for my G.C.E O/L exams this year and ill be doing a bit more studying than going online tbh. Im sorry, I'll try to do every bodies requests when i get my free time but please bare with me. Im so sorry, Ill try my best. Hope you understand cause this is a VERY important exam for me this year.

Also if anyone here is interested please,If you want to, can you review my book for me? Its a simple thing. If you cant , then thats fine. I'll still be doing request by the way. This is just a random favor Im asking .I really want to see and know what people think of my writing. Im new to this. I just want to see if im any good and to see where i need to learn and develop to get there. These are my very first books. I want nothing but the plain ugly truth, so it can help me. The books haven't got the kind of exposure, to get the reviews i would want to develop and know what im doing right and wrong. Thats why I'm just asking you guys :) So if you can go check them out and message me or comment or let me know if you did so in any watty way on here. Thank you lovies!

This is my books- 

1.Broken pieces (Romance,comedy,teen fiction)

Its on my profile. Thanks. There are rewards for doing this for me. Reviews are still open to be done on the book btw. Until the next time. Have a good day :)

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