Chapter 7

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Mackenzie's POV
We got home late. It took awhile to get Jill to actually believe us. The. We had to stay with her for a few houses until someone got home, and then we had to stay longer to break the news to them, and we cried more. I walked in at 11:27 my mom sitting at the table waiting. She looks up and shakes her head towards me. "You know curfew is 10:45. It's almost 11:30. I was worried sick. Don't do this. You can't-" "Kendall died" I burst out, making her stop. She freezes, guilt crossing her face. "Oh my gosh Kenz, in so sorry what happened?" She asks. Tears fall out of my eyes. She opens her arms, as I run into them like a three year-old, embracing her into a hug. "I-I-I-I-it's not fair" I stutter. " I know I know. It will get better soon. Just wait. Keep thinking positive." My mother coos, as I cry my eyes out into her chest.
Brooke's POV
I stumble into the house quarter-to-twelve with my parents and josh waiting in the front room. "I'm so sorry Brooke", my mother whispers through tears. I let the tears I've been holding back all day flow out. I cry, and cry, and cry. But they think it's all about Kendall, but that's just not it. Yes, it's partly about Kendall. We were so close and now she's just gone forever. By that's not all. I cry about that note. I cry scared for Mackenzie's life. I cry scared for my life. I cry, not k owing of either of us will see tomorrow morning.

Ok guys. I haven't updated in forever and I feel absolutely horrible. If I can get 100 followers than I will post the ENTIRE rest of the book. Then there will be a third book which is the last book. That is a very short book so I will post it as soon as I can. So, if I get 100 followers than you will get the rest of the book immediately. I promise. Thanks 😬

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