Chapter Eight

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Tony ran out of the room, towards the window.

Seconds later, the Iron Man suit followed after him.

Jumping through the window, the Iron Man suit surrounded him and propelled him towards the ground before changing course slightly to the bottom floor.

Tony flew through the window on the ground floor, shattering the glass.

Tony landed on the ground and looked around at the carnage strewn around the floor. He looked at the intruders advancing on Pepper.

"Hey fuckheads!"

The intruders turned towards him and Tony froze in shock.

"What the-that's not possible," Tony stared at the intruders, taking his face shield down. They were walking, rotting, corpses.

One of undead looked at him and smiled mischievously, an uncanny yet nerve-wracking version of his father.

Tony, his undead father hissed, You've failed. Your guards died defending you while you cowered above.

Tony shook his head, trying to get the voice out of his head. He didn't register Pepper calling his name, asking him what what going on.

You've always been a coward Tony. Even now your guards pay for your cowardice, Obediah said.

I'm glad we were rid of you when you were younger so we didn't have to watch you turn into the monster you've become, Maria's voice was as cold as ice.

I died because of you! You created the very weapons that killed me! The soldier said.

Tony looked at the soldier, the memory of him flashing a peace sign for a picture before he died.

You call yourself a hero but you are really a murderer behind a mask! You think being labeled a superhero gives you the right to do whatever you please! Yinsen seethed.

Tony put his hands over his ears on instinct and shook his head, desperate to rid the voices from his head.

Tony barely registered the elevator dinging as the rest of the Avengers and One Direction stepped out.

"Tony!" Steve ran over and got into a fighting position next to him, "Are you ok? What's wrong?" Clint notched an arrow and pointed it at the corpses. Natasha took a defensive stance. Harry's hands burst into flames. Louis levitated the dead guards' guns and aimed them at the undead. Liam took a defensive pose and Niall stood back, not sure if he should activate his powers out of fear of not being able to control them.

Howard chuckled and Steve glared at him, only for the look to dissolve into utter shock.

"Tony you need to grab Pepper and get out of here," Steve shook Tony, "Tony!"

Tony's eyes focused on Steve and Steve's heart clenched over the broken look in Tony's eyes.

"Take Pepper and get somewhere safe. We'll cover you and meet up as soon as it's safe."

Tony nodded slowly and turned towards Pepper, before looking back at Steve.

Steve nodded at him and Tony flew towards the undead, landing behind them to grab Pepper.

Tony held onto her and flew out of the building.

The undead growled at the rest of the heroes as the dead guards rose from where they lay.

"Any ideas Cap?" Clint asked, continuing to aim at the villians. Everyone walked forward so they were standing by Steve.

"Not at the moment. I'll let you know when I think of one. For now, just fight." Harry threw a fireball at one of the undead and fight broke out. Steve hit the undead with his shield, Natasha whipped out her pistols and started shooting, Louis mentally pulled the triggers on the guns and sent a wave of bullets at the undead, Liam put up his force fields and started trying to crush one of the corpses in a force field box. Clint shot explosive arrows at them and they exploded.

There wasn't much damage done. The undead were riddled with bullet holes and their skin was blackened. The air reeked of burnt skin. But they weren't backing off. Natasha shot off her last bullet and put them away, going to fight with the undead. The undead Howard took a swipe at Natasha and she ducked out of the way and grabbed the arm and pulled it off. She froze for a fraction of a second in shock before throwing it behind her, nearly hitting Clint, judging by his shriek.

Niall stayed away from the battle, still hesitant to use his powers. He looked past the undead/heroes fight and saw a figure dressed in all black hiding behind a plant.

"Hey!" Niall yelled. The guy looked up, smirked, and slinked away. Clint shot another explosive arrow and hit undead Maria in the head and it exploded. Her head exploded, brains and blood going in all directions. The rest of the undead backed away, following the figure out of the tower.

"Anyone want to explain to me what the hell that was?" Clint said, lowering his bow and un-notching his arrow. Harry extinguished his hands and Louis gently lowered the guns to the ground.

"Not a clue. Let's find Tony." Steve said.

"Wait," Clint said, putting his arrow in the quiver, "Maybe Tony or Bruce can do something with the arm?" He picked up the arm that'd been torn off the undead and looked at it, "Let's bring it up to the lab?" Everyone agreed but before they did anything else, the fingers moved and the elbow bent and Clint shrieked again and threw the arm to Harry, who threw it to Louis, who threw it to Steve, who threw it to Liam, who threw it to Niall, who threw it to Natasha, who caught it and rolled her eyes.

"Babies," she said, "You're all a bunch of babies." Clint glared at her before turning back to Steve.

"Where'd Tony go?" Clint asked.

"Jarvis where did Tony go?" Natasha asked, grabbing the arm to keep it from moving, since it was trying to hit her.

"Mister Stark is located five floors with Ms. Potts." Jarvis' voice broke the eerie silence left by the undead.

Steve nodded and signaled to the others. They all piled into the elevator and headed upstairs.

The elevator opened and they walked out. Pepper was kneeling by Tony, cupping his face and whispering to him, calming him down.

Tony's breathing went from shaky to normal in a few minutes.

Megan: Things are probably gonna get more violent... just a warning...
Autumn: Not 'probably gonna get' because we will have to >:)
Megan: Yeahhh...

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