The dog wars

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Chapter one -

Harry the dog lived happily with the warren family his best bud fletcher lived just across the road with the Pentecost's

Harry had alway had a big and obvious crush on Molly Fletcher's next door neighbor but little did Harry know that fletcher felt the same way. Jaime Fletcher's owner walked over to Emily's house to practice some basket ball "go get fletcher so Harry and him can play" shouted emily "ok" jaime walk out the gates and 10 minutes later she came back with the very big and fluffy fletcher. Jaime took off his leash and he speeded over to Harry


"what's up fletchy " just chillin Hassa "hey fletch I need to tell you something " fleatchers tail started wagging uncontrollably "asecret tell me dude tell me now "well I've kinda alway liked molly " dude its kinda of obvious..." wait I like Molly too.

Chapter two -

Jamie's mum came over and said it was time to go Jaime attached Fletcher's leash on to his collar and walked out the gate BYE" shouted Emily, Harry ran over to his kennel and layed down what's wrong Harry said Emily but befor she could bend down to pat him her mum walked out the

Back door and said "I'm making a cake but we don't have Any eggs can you go over to yollys house and ask for some" " ok Harry were going to see Molly " they arrived at Molly's house and Emily rang the door bell ding dong


We walked across the road and came to Molly's house I've always thought Molly to be the most beautiful dog in the world, my owner Emily pressed a small mistrees button called a door bell ding dong Molly started to yell mum someone's at the door yolly Molly's owner opened the door. Molly ran out and gave me a big lick on the nose "how are you Harry " she said quietly "good thanks" i replied do you want to see a cool sweekie toy I got Molly stepped on the bone shaped toy and it made the strangest noise Baka "wow" "yeah I know it's a bit strange " we ran into the kitchen she was looking under her bed "what are you doing" "you'll see" she pulled out a little teddy "here it's for you" she pushed it towards me.

"I don't know what to say" I barked "come on Harry time to go" I heard from the lounge room "bye"said Molly "bye" I replied.


I needed to patch things up with Molly just so you know Molly and i had a big fight over a bone any ways I crawl underneath the fence and walked over to Molly's door but befor I could open my moth to call for Molly, Harry and Emily walked out the door "what are you doing here fletchy " said Emily quit baby-ing me I thought to my self. Molly came running out "what's all the commotion" she panted, "fletcher what are you doing here, "um I, I'm nothing" I just didn't know what to say so I stayed silent

We have to go Harry said Emily. Harry made a growl and then followed Emily across the road, there was as I said nothing more to say so I just walked back home crawled under the fence and went to bed.

CHAPTER THREE- (Emily's point of view)

Me and my family were going on a Holliday to a small country town called howqa. I was going with one of my friends from school her name was Georgina once we hit the road it took about 3hours to get there . The ride went pretty quickly considering I had my too sisters Madeline and grace to argue with.

(2hours later)

"We're here home sweet home " I jumped out of the car a stretched out my legs. I got Harry out of the car and put him on the ground so he could have a piss. "

To be continued ......

Readers note:

I can assure you there will be a continuation of the series

But in the mean time why not read my new book the "herminy diarys"

I think it's the best book I have ever wrote. Well hope all is well. keep reading.H

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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