Knowing Faith

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Third person

Maggie walks back into the prison and straight to the group. She's decided to tell the group about the new girl's scars. She thinks it would be for the best if everyone knew. She sits at the table and sighs. "Guys, I need to tell you something." Everyone gathers around her. "It's about Faith....she needed help earlier when we were at the showers and I saw something."
Rick crosses his arms. He respects Faith, she could have left without giving the group anything, but instead she gave them her whole supply of food. She's been through hell and terrified of men. If he was her he would have broke down and ran away, but she stayed her ground. So who cares if she can't form a sentence without stuttering, can you blame her. She's scared and nervous, who wouldn't be if they were in her position. "What is it Maggie?"
She repeatedly moves her leg up and down. "She has scars from head to toe. Some are old and some are really new. She wasn't alone all this time. She had to of had a group. I mean you see how scared she is. She couldn't have gone all this time by herself. Her group could be dangerous." She breaths out.
Daryl and Rick glance at each other with a knowing look. Daryl turns and walks away heading outside. Rick sits next to Maggie. "She went through something no woman should have gone through. Trust me when I say she has no group."
Carol steps up. "How do you know? I mean look at her."
Ricks jaw clinches. "She came acrossed a group. Remember Randall?" Everybody nods. "That group was alot like them. They tore her apart and she's been scared ever since."
Glenn places a hand on his shoulder. "She tell you this?"
"Her eyes did." Rick gets up and walk in the same direction Daryl went.

Faith's Pov

I sit on the grass and take off Maggie's jacket, because it's freaking hot. I stare at the scars that cover my arms and I can't help, but think. Why would anyone want me? I've been told I'm completely useless, just a weak bitch that gets in the way. I stand and lay the jacket on the ground. I run to the gate as fast as I can. I start to climb the fence and when I reach the top I grab the barbwire and jump over. I land behind a bunch of walkers and I take my knife out, I start to kill them. I kick one in the chin and I stab it in the face. I take the feet out from under another and stab it too. I continue on killing till they're all dead. My breath shakes and I start to cry. People have always been my nightmare. Before and after this all started. I fall to my knees and just cry.

I sit on my knees for a couple minutes till people start screaming my name. I don't know why till a slimy hand touches my shoulder. I grab the hand pull and turn so my foot connects to the walkers face. I hear a satisfying crack from it's scull and I release it's hand and stand up. I pick up my knife and stare at the dead I had killed. I like being alone, why did I come here to begin with? I look at all the shocked faces, but one out of all of them, didn't. He has a huge smirk on his face. Daryl Dixon. For some reason I find him different from the rest, like he knows exactly how I feel. I slide my knife into its sheath and walk to the gate. Daryl and Rick open the gate, letting me in. Rick looks angry and Daryl looks surprisingly amused. Rick grabs my arm making me wince, but doesn't let go. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" He squeezes my arm a little. I wince again and Daryl pushes Rick away from me.
"Don't grab her like again." He snaps. He stands in front of me in a protective matter. "Ya saw er. She can take care of erself. Better than any of us."
I step forward and rest my hand on Daryl's arm. He looks at me and he looks more protective of me than anyone has ever been. I smile at him and stand in front of Rick. "I'm sorry. I sh-shouldn't have l-left tha prison w-with out t-tellin ya."
He looks at me and sighs. "Just tell someone next time." He walks away and back to the prison. I turn and Daryl is staring at me, well not at my face, but my arms. My breathing picks up and I run back to get Maggie's jacket. I put it on and head inside, to avoid any questions he might ask. I walk into the cell block and a baby starts to cry. I run to the cell it's in and I pick up the baby from the box it's in. I rock it as I walk out of the cell. I smile as the baby giggles and I can't help my own laugh that escapes. I hear somebody clear their throat. I turn and beth is smiling at me. "She-she was cryin an-and no one w-was around. I-I..."
She giggles and walks further in. "It's fine. You want to feed her?" She hands me a bottle of milk and I feed the baby girl in my arms. Beth leaves and I'm alone in the cell block. I start singing to the baby to get her to sleep. I always liked singing, but I could never do it in front of someone. I never could, still can't.

Daryl's Pov

I walk into the cell block, but freeze when I hear singing. It doesn't sound like Beth and I don't know if Maggie can sing. I walk a little futher and hide beside the stairs. Walking around with Little Ass Kicker is Faith. She's the one that's singing. I think my eyes about fell out of my head. She keeps singing and walking around, she doesn't even know I'm here. I stare at her and seeing her smile, I get the same feeling I got when she smiled at me out by the gate. A feeling I've never had. It makes me want to protect her even I die in the process. Do I have feelings for her? I mean I can't, I just met her. Maybe it will go away, I can't have feelings for her. I turn to walk away, but the singing stops. "Daryl?" I look over my shoulder and Faith's eyes are wide. Shit I've been caught. She runs into Little Ass Kicker's cell and runs out of the cell without her. She runs out of the cell block and I have to run after her. I don't know what she'll do. I run after her not knowing what's going to happen.

Wrong Redneck (Daryl Dixon)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя