Chapter 4

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"These are the new students, everybody." The teacher introduced. "Please introduce yourselves."

"You did that, but whatever." I said, stepping up. "Lemon Yume, AKA Lemon Dream, at your service."

The room exploded. I flashed a grin at the rude kid from earlier.

"Most. Famous. Singer. In the world~!" I sang at him, walking to my desk. He scowled. Ichigo stepped forward.

"I'm Ichigo Momomiya, Lemon-chan's friend. Nice to meet you!" She chirped. She joined me at her desk.

"My name's Ceil Phantomhive, the Earl Phantomhive." Rude stated bluntly. He made his way over to his seat. I scoffed at him.

The door opened and the teacher for the period--math--stepped in. He was tall, with red eyes and pale skin. His hair was pitch black, a few pieces in the front going to his chin. He wore a black suit and white gloves.

Girls started screaming.

"What is this--a Lemon Dream concert?!" Fujioka-san, the short haired girl in front of Ichigo, yelled. I laughed.

"Not yet it isn't!!" I yelled back. She grinned at me. I noticed Ceil face-desking.

The teacher calmed down the girls and wrote his name on the board. 

"I am Sebastian Michaelis, your new maths teacher." He said, giving a soft smile.

"What made you want to be a teacher?" A background character--er, random girl asked. Sebastian-sensei flashed another smile.

"I am merely one hell of a teacher." He answered. Ceil groaned. I burst out laughing.

Ceil watched me in amusement and Sebastian-sensei glared at me.

"Uh, Lemon-chan?" Ichigo asked. "I don't think--"

" quiet...Red!!" I gasped. "I...haven't laughed...this much...since...Yuki faceplanted into that building!!"

Ichigo burst out laughing.

"That was pretty funny!!" She giggled. The whole class was taring at us. 

A blade was pressed to my neck.


"Speaking of that, I still haven't gotten you back." Yuki hissed in my ear. "Kitty."

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