6. Misleading Secrets

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It was the night of the carnival and everything was in fullswing. The school carnival had attracted all kinds of people: high school kids,families, and adults, all having a good time. The ticket lines were long. Peoplewere waiting for their turn for a ride, to play a game, or to get some goodfood. People were talking loud, trying to get their conversations over the noise of shots and dings from the games, kids screaming and laughing from the rides and moon jumps, and the music playing from a local live band.

Y/N made her way through the crowd, trying to make her way to the kissing booth. The aroma of different foods mixing together and dust flying everywhere hit her nose. She smiled at families who smiled back at her, waved at her friends, and said hello to her teachers. She may have looked like she was having a great time, and acted like everything was fine, but deep inside was a different feeling. She was nervous. She tried to walk normal, with no traces of anxiety showing. She tried not to show the horrible feeling she had in the pit of her stomach, which grew bigger with each step she took.

"You're here! Finally!" Britney said as Y/N came to relieve her from her turn at the kissing booth. Britney leaned in towards Y/N, "beware of the old guy chewing gum. It's not gum."

Y/N made a disgusted face as she saw the old man third in line, chewing like a cow. "Gross."

From a distance, Dean and Sam had a good view of Y/N arriving at the kissing booth. Around the corner of the booth, they saw a scrawny kid running towards the kissing booth.

"Sammy, isn't that the kid from the picture?" Dean noticed.

"Stiles." Sam remembered his name tagged on Scott's Facebook photo.

"What the hell is a Stiles?" Dean looked at Sammy confused.

"Stiles Stilinski." Sam pointed at the kid wheezing in front of their baby sister, Y/N. "Apparently his first name is so hard to pronounce, they call him Stiles instead. It's a nickname."

Dean and Sam watched Y/N and Stiles, wondering if she'll be giving them the signal soon.

"Stiles!" Y/N looked at Liam's friend in front of her, who was hutched down with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. She hadn't seen him so bent out of shape since the lacrosse tryouts the beginning of the year, when Stiles knew that he had to prove to Coach Finstock that he was a better player than Liam and Garrett. "What's wrong?" she whispered.

"I just you know," he let out a deep breath, "wanted to kiss you." Stiles said a little too loudly, incase her brothers were around, or any other hunters he didn't know about.

"Hey! Back in the line, buttwall!" The chubby kid next in line, with his propeller hat worn backwards directed to Stiles. The kid was clearly upset his turn to kiss the pretty cheerleader was now delayed.

"Shouldn't you be at Chuck E Cheese's or something?" Stiles looked down at the 10 year old. Stiles looked back at Y/N before the kid could retaliate. "We don't have a plan, Y/N."

"What?!" Her voice went an octave higher.

"Liam never showed up after you guys were supposed to meet. Scott has been trying to find him all day." Stiles eyed Y/N closely. "Did he show up with you?"

Y/N nodded.

"Then where is he?" Stiles asked worried.

Y/N tried to think of what could have happened to Liam. The last place she saw him was in the woods behind Britney's house. They were sure they were by themselves. They both looked around and saw no one. Liam heard no one. Liam didn't catch anyone's scent around. Wait I , she thought to herself. It was all rushing back to her now.

"He said he smelled a werewolf... a werewolf he didn't know." She noticed Stiles' eye widening as she spoke.

"Do you think it's someone from Satomi's pack?" Stiles whispered.

Y/N shook her head. "No. If Liam didn't recognize this particular werewolf, it's because my brothers were smart enough to get someone he wouldn't know. Damn it!" She grabbed Stiles' hand and walked away from the booth.

"Hey lady!" The 10 year old shouted. "Where the hell do you think you're going?!"

"Sammy, she's on the move. Let's follow her." Dean noticed Y/N leaving in such a hurry.

"She didn't give us the signal, Dean."

"She doesn't need to when she's clearly hiding something with that kid," Dean started walking towards the direction Y/N and Stiles were headed.

"Y/N, where are we going?" Stiles quickly followed behind Y/N.

Y/N stood in front of a tree and looked back at Stiles, "trust me." She pulled Stiles close to her. She placed one of his hands on one of her butt cheeks, and the other on top of her chest, making Stiles look like he was going for second base. She immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, one hand playing with the bottom of his hair. Then she hiked her leg up to Stiles' hip, the skirt rising up; showing off her thigh.

Stiles' eyebrows shot up, shocked by her sudden act, "What are you doing?"

Instead of answering, she smashed her lips against hers, kissing him hungrily as she slowly slid one her hands down his back jean pocket. Two can play this game, she thought.

At that moment, her brothers caught up to the two and saw them in a heated make-out session, leaning against a tree away from the carnival. Sam cleared his throat, making Y/N slowly pull away from Stiles.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Dean asked.

"Making out with the senior captian of the lacrosse team," Y/N grinned.

"Don't you have something better to do?"

Y/N looked at Stiles and bit her lip, "Well I was, until you two showed up."

Stiles cheeks redden and immediately became lost with words, "That's not- I wasn't-We weren't- It's not-?"

"Listen you little twerp," Dean grabbed Stiles from his jersey and walked back towards the carnival. "I'm going to turn you in to the Sheriff."

"Funny thing, he already deals enough with me at home," Stiles quickly remarked, trying to get out of Dean's grip.

Sam looked back at Y/N, who was straightening out her uniform and hair. He saw something in her eyes; something behind those innocent eyes was the look of wicked. Sam knew that look. He'd seen that look in Dean's eyes when he had something up his sleeve. Sam knew she was creating a diversion and he wasn't going to call her out on it. He had a feeling she must be doing it for a good reason. She is a Winchester after all. "Listen, take your time straightening yourself out and then come back to the carnival, okay?"

Y/N finished retying her ponytail, "Thanks, Sam."

Y/N watched Sam disappear into the crowd, and pulled out the keys to Stiles' jeep she stole when she slid her hand in his back pocket. She bolted for the sky blue jeep at the parking lot. Once she found the jeep parked near the gym, she hopped in, put the key in the ignition, and slammed her foot on the petal. "Sorry Stiles," she mumbled to the jeep as she headed towards the family abandon warehouse on the edge of town. She knew exactly where Liam was and she was going to save him.

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