the attempted kidnapp ( the girl in the pic is pyro)

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When I was a young girl around three years old I was kidnapped from my loving demon father the great water serpent. His name was Aoi Izumaki, he could be really protective over me. But I didn't mind after mother betrayed us I was closer to him than ever. He could turn human he looked like a forty year old man with light blue hair that went down to past his knees, and he also had these beautiful ocean colored eyes. One day my father received a message he sent me up to my room and told me not to come out until he said so.

~flash back

My dear daughter _________ you know I love you more than anything in the universe. But please go to your room and don't come out until I tell you to okay. Okay daddy I promise I said in a worried but sweet gentle tone. I ran up to my room and locked the door behind me and hid in my little cubby hole behind my dollhouse I got for Christmas. I could hear " where is she Aoi I will find her sooner or later we made a deal, no we didn't pyro you sent me a letter that when our children where three they are going to have a arranged marriage. I wrote back and told you no my daughter wold chose her own love and at her pace!" I then heard a loud bloodcurdling scream that came from my father. I had a little escape door in my floor that wold lead me to the the ocean. We lived close to the land in case we needed to escape. So I went to it then opened it up and jumped through it. I swam as fast as I could. I reached land and ran to the closest building...

Hello my dear readers how did ya like ma chapter! Sorry its short but I will try to make it longer in the next chapter! ^•^

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