cнapтer 3

45 5 5

Kinky necoal likes kinky

"You said I was your mate Cam wyd." Ethan mumbles as I stare at the boy.

We were at a restraunt eating mozzarella sticks and we have a really hot waiter okok.

"Suck a cheese stick Ethad."

The waiter pours more water into my cup and turns to leave and I follow him.

"What is your name?" I ask.

"Kenny." he tells me, not turning to look at me as he walks towards the kitchen.

"Kenny lets have sex"


"Yes you hoe"

"Suck a cheese stick"

"I'll suck yours"

By now we had walked into the back of the kitchen where no one was. He walks to the freezer and I follow him.

I laugh at his hard nipples.

"You want me." I say.

"Let me suck your pee pee" I continue.

He agrees and takes out his tic tac pee pee. It was like @austin9008.

"Kenny what is that" I say but then he starts fucking my mouth.


"Daddy..." his angelic moans fill the freezer.

(Here is where i bit my fcking arm bc this could be good but im holding back)

His fingers curl into my hair, tugging just the slightest as his head falls back, mouth agape.

(I forgot where this chapter was going oops)

Then the freezer door opens and some kid named Wesley pops in.

"K-kenny?" he whimpers and I shove kennys vagina-ish dick out of my mouth.

(Wth idek what im doing at this point)

I laugh and walk out of that freezer, leaving them with their problems because i'm a bad bitch and don't want to finish what I started.

"Come on, Ethad, let's go." I call and the little slut runs after me as I walk out the door.

"Cameron I need to go to walmart." he says and I groan.

"Walmart is gross."

"I need tampons, Cameron."

"Ethad since when do you have shedding ovaries?"

"Since you got mad at me last night and decided to wait to fertilize my eggs. You had a chance. Now take me to walmart." he says, and I groan and drive there.

We were now at walmart, walking through the aisles, when I see a bed. I jump onto it and Ethad follows my lead.

"Cameron put your pee pee inside of me" Ethan moans.

"Ethad wyd,.."

He starts sucking my dick and then lets say things ended with us having sex in walmart on a now bloody bed. Someone recorded it. Go buy my mixtape. Its fire.


Ethad just pooped out four dogs that look like rats.

"Necoal they look like you."

Necoal, Laura, and I were gathered around Ethad who was laying on the floor pooping out rat-puppies.

Suddenly Gordon Ramsay pops up and kicks Ethads stomach, making two more rat-puppies pop out of his booty hole.

"That was for fertilizing your eggs, not scrambling them!" he shouts and disappears.


ooh cliffhanger (not really but my fingers are tired) (lowkeyfromfingeringyourmum) (oops)

do you think ethad will die from pooping out too many rat-puppies?

comment what you think here so i dont look like a loser kay thanks

Xx Cam

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