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Maya Matlin and Miles Hollingsworth have always been friends.

They first met when they were 2 weeks old, they are 3 days apart.

Jessica Hollingsworth and Alice Matlin have been best friends since high school, so when they moved next door to each other and each had a child the same age, they new they wanted then to be best friends.

Maya and Miles have always been there for each other through everything together.

On the first day of pre-school, Maya got pushed down on the playground and cut her elbow, Miles was the first one to pick her up and get her a band-aid.

In second grade, Miles was being bullied by a few kids and Maya threatened to hurt them if they made fun of Miles again.

When Miles found out his mother was having twins, Maya was there to comfort him and tell him how nice it was to have siblings.

During the sixth grade goodbye dance, Maya didn't have a date so Miles took her as his date and bought her a corsage and took her to dinner with his parents.

In eighth grade, when everyone started talking about Maya not having her first kiss yet, Miles kissed her so everyone would stop teasing her.

Miles has always been there for Maya and vise versa. But they didn't know that high school was about to change them and the way they looked at each other.

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