Chapter 1

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Maya Matlin was getting ready for her first day of high school when there was a knock on the front door,

Before anyone could answer, Miles Hollingsworth walked in the door,

"Hey neighbors!" Miles said sitting down at the kitchen table for breakfast as Maya came into the kitchen

"Hey Miles, good morning!" Maya said as her mother handed her the plates

Miles and Maya were the best of friends, they have known each other since birth practically. Miles came over everyday to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. His parents were hardly ever home so Miles came over along with his younger twin siblings.

"Good morning Miss Maya, you ready for high school?" Miles asked as he started eating

"Not really but you have to promise me that you will never, ever, leave me in the dust." Maya said as she held Miles' hands

Miles cupped her face with his hands and said, "never will I let you out of my sight Maya, your the greatest thing in my life." He then kissed her cheek

It's things like that, that make people suspicious about them not being together. People are always asking them in they are dating but they just say that they are really close friends.

"Alright you two, better get going to school you don't want to be late." Alice Matlin says to the two children

"Alright, bye mom!" Maya said grabbing her backpack

"Goodbye Alice!" Miles said grabbing his bag also

When they got to school, they saw their friend Tristan, they met him in the 3rd grade, they aren't as close to him as they are to each other.

"Hey guys, have a good summer?" Tristan asked before noticing that they were holding hands

He gasped, "you two are together aren't you?!"

"No we are just friends Tris!" Maya said not letting go of Miles' hand

They all walked into the halls of Degrassi and walked into their class together.

As they were seated, in comes a tall boy with jet black hair and a cut off sleeved shirt, Maya's mouth dropped open

"Holy crap, who is that?!" Maya was staring at him as he talked to the teacher

"Oh that's Zig Novak, he's new here." Tristan said

"I wanna pice of him..." Maya said

"Come on Maya, you told me that you were gonna stick by me this year! I told you I wouldn't date anyone and you said the same!" Miles said

"I know but look at him! Miles he's hot!" Maya said

Miles was about to disagree until a certain someone walked into the room that catches his eyes,

"Wow..." Miles said as a slim brunette walked in the room in heels and a skimpy outfit

"Bonjour bitches! My name is Zoe Rivas and no I will not take any picture with you." The girl Zoe said

"Miles..." Maya said as she caught him staring at her

"Omg Maya that's Zoe Rivas, Gatsby Garcia from West Drive!" Tristan said as he was fangirling over Zoe

Maya just rolled her eyes

Both Zoe and Zig came over the their table.
After Maya and Miles got back to the Matlin's, they starting arguing,

"Miles please let me go out with him, please!" Maya bagged

"Maya, I will let you go out with him if you lay me go out with Zoe!" Miles said giving her an ultimatum

Earlier that day Zoe asked Miles out and Zig asked Miles out


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