"I want to show my boobies"

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With the camera pointed on her Hannah instantly squealed and began to lift her shirt exposing her bare stomach and bra, "I wanna show my boobies."

Mamrie instantly stopped recording and snapped a look at Grace making it clear that something had to be done about Hannah who was now officially too drunk to be in public.

Looking at the blue eyed girl with a stern face Grace said, "Hannah calm the fuck down now you are out of control."

Hannah giggled picking up the avocado slice that was left over from their taco meal. "Am I really avocontrol Grace? I know its wrong but it feels so ripe." Hannah begins giggling uncontrollably as the other two girls begin to think of a plan to get her out of the restaurant without making too much of a scene.

"Grace I'm getting an Uber and we're getting the fuck out of here."

"Where do we take Hannah though?"

"Ooh ooh drop me off at my fine ass girlfriend's house I need to tell her I love her. Plus I want to avocuddle."

"Cool it with the avocado puns for a second," Mamrie exclaimed thinking about the possible options. They couldn't just dump a drunk Hannah on Ingrid.

"Bitch peas," Hannah said, still cracking herself up.

"Mames call Ingrid and see what she thinks is best. They did have plans after dinner, we at least need to let her know what's going on."

Mamrie gets up from the table with her phone and starts to head outside. "I'm going to go talk to Ingrid outside you stay here and take care of this one."

Mamrie gets outside the busy restaurant and calls Ingrid. Ingrid instantly picks up her phone and the two start talking.

"Mamrie is everything alright? Is Hannah alright? Why isn't Hannah calling me?"

Mamrie can't help but smile. Ingrid's genuine concern for Hannah in this moment just solidifies in Mamrie's mind that Hannah has found the perfect girl for her.

"Yes Ingrid everything is alright Hannah is just a little intoxicated at the moment. And by a little I mean a whole fucking lot. This girl could be on girls gone wild youtuber edition right now."

"Well it sounds like she is having a fun night out! You can bring her over to my apartment I can take care of her from here."

"Are you sure? Grace and I know you had plans, but we were just going to take her to her house after tonights events."

"Yes of course I'm sure! It will be so much easier to convince Han to come to my apartment over her own house if she really is as drunk as you say she is."

"You are sure you're sure because this bitch just tried to flash the entire restaurant 10 minutes ago."

"Mamrie bring Han over. I'll be fine."

"Okay, our Uber is on the way now so start preparing yourself for the shitshow that is a drunk Hannah Hart."

Mamrie can hear a sound that portrays both laughter and a slight hint of panic from the other end of the line before she hangs up her phone and begins to walk back inside. When she gets inside she sees Hannah showing off her dance moves as an annoyed Grace tries to calm her down. Despite the fact that their dinner has turned into an actual comedy skit from SNL Mamrie can't help but be thankful to have friends as amazing as Grace and Hannah.

"Okay Farto listen up your wonderful 'fine ass girlfriend' has asked that we take you to her place. That is if that's okay with you."

"Fuck yeah," Hannah says with a fist pump into the air.

"What the hell. If I was her girlfriend I wouldn't want to put up with her drunken ass."

"Don't pretend we all know you want all of my drunken ass Smellbig," Hannah says laughing so hard that she nearly falls to the group.

"Mames the Uber is here lets get the fuck out of here."

Mamrie and Grace lift Hannah to her feet and have to almost drag her out the door into the cool night and into the Uber.

My Drunk Hannah: A Hangrid StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin