In this Moment

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When the Uber pulled out in front of Ingrid's apartment building an exhausted Grace managed to mutter, "Han we're here." Both Grace and Mamrie could have sworn that Hannah would've passed out for the majority of the thirty minute Uber ride but Hannah was just too excited to see her girlfriend to sleep. For what seemed like the entire ride Hannah went on and on about every last thing that she loved about Ingrid. Both of the girls were excited for Hannah and were happy that she was happy, but when Hannah moved on to talking about Ingrid's breasts and impressive forearm strength they had had enough.

Hannah flung open the door and jumped out of the car. "Thanks dudes for an awesome fucking dinner. Sorry I got a little drunk but I had an amazing time."

Hannah started to run to Ingrid's apartment door before realizing she was far to drunk to manage anything but a slow jog. "Han are you going to be okay? Do you need us to help you get to the door," Mamrie called out as she stuck her head out of the Uber.

"Dudes you can leave. If I can cook drunk for a living I think I can make it to the door of my girlfriend's apartment now," Hannah yelled back with a small giggle.

Once Hannah reached Ingrid's apartment door she began to knock excitedly while humming the tune of the song "Electric Love" by Borns.

Ingrid answered the door with a look of loving concern on her face. "Hey babe," she said.

Before Ingrid could say anything else Hannah entered her apartment, slammed the door behind her and whipped Ingrid around pinning her against the door frame. "I love you so much Ingrid Nilsen," Hannah whispered, her lips so close to Ingrid's that Ingrid could feel the slightest whisper of Hannah's lips on her's. Hannah instinctively melded their lips together, running her hands through Ingrid's short and wavy hair.

Even though Hannah's breath reeked of whiskey, her warm, familiar lips on Ingrid's caused an instant rush of joy and Ingrid couldn't help but kiss her back. However, after a few short moments Ingrid pulled away, leaving Hannah wanting more. "Han I love you too, but you are really drunk so I think the best thing right now would be for you to get into bed."

"Well, well Miss. Nilsen if you wanted me to get into your bed so badly all you had to do was ask," Hannah said with a smirk.

"Baby not tonight now lets go. You need to get your sleep."

"Okay Miss. Bossy Pants if you say so," Hannah said as she walked towards the bedroom, "but you do know I sleep naked," Hannah turned around and winked at her girlfriend who couldn't help but giggle at Hannah's drunken performance.

Both Ingrid and Hannah put on their PJs, or rather Hannah's lack of PJs, before crawling into Ingrid's bed and turning the lights off.

"Ingrid, babe?"

"Yeah Han?

"Can we um cuddle?"

"Of course baby," Ingrid said patting the space next to hers indicating that Hannah should come over.

Hannah scooted herself over and up so that her head was resting above Ingrid's. She then wrapped her arm around her girlfriend's body and pulled her close before intertwining their legs. Hannah kissed Ingrid on the head and sighed before saying softly, "I'm so glad I found you. You are the perfect girl for me and I was beginning to lose hope that I would never find you. I would give up anything for you even food. I would give up food for you if I was forced to. What have you done to me?"

Ingrid knew it was just a drunk Hannah talking but Hannah's speech made her blush a deep crimson red. Ingrid whipped her body around so that she was facing the blonde girl lacing her hands around the blonde's neck and bringing Hannah's face closer towards her so that their lips were ghosting each other before putting a soft but passionate kiss on Hannah's lips. Ingrid pulled away and whispered "I love you so much Han and I..." Before Ingrid could get out more Hannah's lips were already back on her's and soon their lips were moving together in perfect synchronicity. Ingrid pulled away from Hannah's lips moving down to Hannah's neck. As soon as Ingrid's lips met Hannah's neck Hannah let out a sigh. Ingrid took this response as a motivation to continue and kissed all the way down Hannah's neck to her collar bone biting Hannah's skin along the way and stopping to soothe each wound. She knew these bites would surely turn to hickeys in the morning which would annoy Hannah who would have to cover them up but she just couldn't help herself.

Once making it down to Hannah's collar bone Ingrid pulled up meeting Hannah's eyes. "Babe no more, you're drunk and I don't want to take advantage of you."

Hannah sighed rubbing her thumb over the younger girl's forehead, "You can take advantage of me any day of the year," Hannah said with a giggle, "But if you want to just cuddle we can just cuddle. Babe I just want to be here with you because life is so short and..."

Before Hannah could continue with her speech that was sure to become a rant about the meaning of life, Ingrid gave her a peck on the lips cutting her short and turned back around motioning for the blonde to get closer to her before taking Hannah's hand in hers and guiding Hannah's arm to the comfortable position it was in before.

"This is what I want to do," Ingrid said relaxing and closing her eyes, "I just want to be with you in this moment."

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