The Date

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It was unbelievable, I felt like I was addicted to my damn phone. Every single moment I looked of there was a message from Sonic. And on a strange way I was dang happy when there was finally a message from him. The next day at 8 o'clock I went to my favorite tree and waited for my blue vampire. He came 5 minutes after I arrived. It was like a century. He came and grapped my hand. "Hey shadow!" He smiled and was happy to see me. And I was happy to see him. We went to his house.. Uhmm. Castle. I looked at it with a red face because there were much creepy things.. Like.. Deadheads or.. Glasses of blood.. He looked at me and pulled me closer to him. Like he knew I was kinda sceared for the first time in my life. We went in and ate some applepie. When we were done I wanted to went home. But he asked me to stay this night. I couldnt do anything else than stay. We whatched a movie and after we went to bed. He came closer.. Closer.. And touched my lips.. H-he kissed me...

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