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"nezza! NEZZA! '' the brown haired boy yelled when entering the girls house knowing that her mom wouldn't be there to scold him for being too loud.

the raven haired girl rolled her eyes at the sudden noise of her best friend, she got out of her comfy spot on the bed and walked over to her door opening it and peeking her head out. "yes zachary?" she yelled back to the boy who was standing at the bottom of the steps.

"where the hell are you?" he asked looking around to see where her voice was coming from. "im literally upstairs." she replied back to him sticking her body back into her room and sat on her bed waiting for him to make his way up to her room.

zach and nezza had been best friends for what seemed like forever, he was the only kid on the block that was the same age as her and she could get along with. it also helped that the two lived right across from each other so there was never a moment they weren't attached at the hip. the two families were close, always having parties together, spending holidays at each others houses. it was perfect.

"why are you in bed, stop being so boring." zach groaned as he hopped next to her making her give him an annoyed look to which he just sent a smirk back at her growing comfortable in his new spot.

"i really don't have the energy right now zach." she laid down on the bed with him following and the two just stared up at the ceiling.

"our birthdays are coming up soon." zach spoke up next to her making her smile. they were born three days apart which had always made them think it was destined for them to be friends.

"yeah the big 13, becoming a teen sounds scary but i think im excited." her head turned towards zach and he sent her a smile agreeing with what she was saying.

they laid there for a good half hour just talking about random things, basically just anything that would pop into their minds. that's how it always was, they could talk about anything and everything without judgment. no one knew them better than they knew each other. a little while into their conversation zach had grew quiet and had a look on his face nezza couldn't really describe, she knew he was about to say something so she just laid quietly until he was ready to speak.

"can i tell you a secret, well not really a secret but something i really want to do." the boy asked her quietly.

"oh course, you can always tell me anything." she turned her body to the side and continued to look at the boy next to her.

"i want to make it big, you know? like be an influence to people, have an audience." he explained with a small smile on his face. nezza couldn't help but smile back at him seeing how much he really wanted it, you could tell by the sparkle in his eyes when he mentioned it.

"how so? like for acting or-" she had started to ask but he jumped in to explain more about what he meant. "im not sure, i just want to make people happy, have them enjoy me. maybe i could stream, ive heard someone mention a thing called younow a little bit ago." he said happily as he sat up from the girls bed. nezza pushed herself up as well sitting across from him listening as he talked about what he could do.

"that sounds like it could work, you should try it out." she gave him a smile and a pat on his shoulder. "maybe we could do it together, i dont know. im not too sure i could get anywhere with it though." he sighed looking down at his hands with the thought of failure in the back of his mind.

"you have to at least try, zach. i believe you can do it, and i'll support you the whole way." nezza placed her hand on his shoulder sending him a comforting smile which he returned. "now that we are talking about this, i think i want to start singing." she told him. she's never really mentioned it out loud to anyone how she'd love to sing and write songs so it was a surprise to zach when she told him.

"do it!" he exclaimed with a wide grin on his lips as he looked at his best friend. "ive heard you sing before and you're good nez, you could definitely become like the next selena gomez or something." her cheeks flushed red as he complimented her and her singing, but also chuckled at the last part because she knew she is no where near as good as selena.

"thank you zach, that means a lot. how about that, you become a famous streamer and i'll become a famous singer." the boy nodded his head in agreement as they both fell back onto the mattress with their minds running on their new found passions.


a week went by and it was now zachary's big 13, his house was filled with a bunch of family members and some people from school. everywhere you looked there was someone, and of course the two best friends were right next to each other as everyone got done singing happy birthday.

various voices around the house were yelling happy birthday to the curly headed boy as he quickly made a wish and blew out his candles. once they were out everyone cheered and his mom had taken the cake to start cutting and handing pieces out to the guests with nezza's mom helping her of course.

"happy birthday you big nerd!" nezza exclaimed throwing her arms around him and giving him a quick hug. "just think, you're 13 now and in just a few days i'll be in the same boat." she said happily dancing around in a circle a bit.

"i can't believe we are both going to be teenagers. maybe i can start streaming today, i have to ask mom but im sure it wouldn't be a problem." he told her with a large smile plastered on his face.

"that reminds me i want to give you my gift!" nezza yelled to him before grabbing ahold of his hand and pulling him down the hallway away from everyone else and to where she hid the present.

"nezza you know you didn't have to." he told her before she shushed him and pushed forward the well wrapped box into his arms. she giggled as she watched him open it, his eyes grew wide as he looked at the box she had given him.

"nezza?!" he shouted in shock throwing the paper next to him and staring at the camera in front of him. nezza clapped happily at his reaction knowing that he was ecstatic with his new found gift.

"you told me you wanted to start youtube as well and i figured you could use a camera. it's not the best but it's something for now, i told you i believe in you." she smiled softly at the boy in front of her. he quickly set the box down and pulled her into a hug squeezing her body tightly and then letting go.

"thank you nez, this means the absolute world to me." he gushed picking up the box admiring it once again.

right after the party ended the two ran up to his bedroom setting the camera up and started to record zachs first youtube video, along with creating an account on younow and having his first stream. the two completely unaware of what was to come later on.

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