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It was 10:00am and i was waiting at the bus stop for my R.O.D Jessica. Oh my lord she's beautiful; her hair's light brown, she got green eyes, mixed raced and dattt. We've known eachother since we were little troubles so around 16years, she's the type of person to get pissed easily so best not tell her about yesterday. I see her walking towards me so i give her a kiss on the cheek and she starts telling me about her sex life.

"ahh he tied my wrists and fucking went for it. I'm telling you Charlie, he makes me feel so desperate for his love"

"I wouldn't know, I haven't had a dick inside me since the fuckboy kian" i groaned

"Thats why I'm taking you to Lily's party tomorrow b" i swear Jessica's the fucking best.

"Ah that means I'm borrowing that tight bodycon sex dress of yours" i smirked

And with that we routed her yardd. All we did was watch movies and blast out tunes out.. But then someone belled for us. We came down to open to door and we see the sexiest squad ah my lawdd.

I gawked in awe as they walked in.. one of the lighties Ilijah gave me a hug and kissed his girl Jessica..

"Get a room faggots" i turned around and saw Tremane. Oh. My. God. This boy should win an Oscar for being this fit. He came over to me and looked me up and down.

"Woah charlie. You actually look kinda fit today" he winked.

"Sorry b can't say the same for you" i smiled. We've known eachother as long as jess&&ilijah have been on it so thats around 5months. Tremane is so laid back and that but he's a really great guy. He keeps smoking and that but i want him.. only him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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