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I woke up that morning in my bed with the light shining through my window. I tired to get up but something was wrapped around me preventing me from moving. I gasp and my eyes widened. When I looked down, I noticed that it was a pair of two arms wrapped around my waist.
I turned my head to see dark casually sleeping next to me. What the fuck?! I don't remember him doing this last night.
I pulled his arms off of me and got up receiving a grunt from dark. "But I was still tired."
I rolled my eyes and went to go get dressed throwing on my tunic. I didn't even bother with my hat.

"You look ready to go." Dark said sitting up in the bed. I really wish I could ask him why he was sleeping right next to me last night but... I can't. "Y'know what? Let's go out today:"
I looked at him questionably.
"What?! It'll be fun! Plus, outside are people, and people means talking, and talking means one on one conversations. You could use a conversation."
I shook my head fast and sat down on the chair across my room being stubborn.
"I'm not giving you a choice."
I looked away.
"I will tickle you again if you don't agree."
Oh no!
I began nodding my head putting up my hands in surrender.

"I knew I could put up a good argument." He began heading for the window and opened it. "I'll see you in 5 minuets in front of the castle. He almost jumped out before he stopped himself. "Oh and one more thing. If you don't at least make a sound and a real smile today, I'm going to have to be aggressive.
I gulped nodding.
Then he jumped out the window undetected by the guards... Seeing how he snuck in here in the first place.
Five minuets huh? It will take my one to get to the front on the castle so what am I to do for four minuets? Maybe...... I can practice saying something or smiling?

I opened my mouth and tried to get sound to escape my lips but all I received was air. Damn it.
I will make a noise. I will. I don't want to let dark down today... Not today. I let him down yesterday and I don't want to do it again. I don't know why I keep finding myself wanting to impress dark and receive praise from him. It's probably just my stupid selfishness.
I tried one more time to speak but it didn't work. Before I made a sound I coward out of it and give up now staring into the mirror. At least I can smile at people. I smile at myself in the mirror but it looks too forced. Maybe I can try thinking about something pleasant. Well, I guess I could think about my old friend from kokiriko village...

The memory came back to me pretty clear. Me and my friend were hanging out in the forest around out village.
"Hey link!" She called and skipped over to me. "Come look what I found! Come on."
"Okay. What is it?" I had said.
"Just come over here a see!!!"

She led me through a small path behind some bushes. I remember opening up a passageway through the leaves and then seeing something beautiful.
There was a small pond with rocks creating a round wall around it. There were flowers and the sun shined in through the top on the cylinder.

"Look!" My friend yelled.
I turned to see her pointing at a family of ducks. A mom and 3 babies.

"Wow!" I yelled and crouched next to her. She had picked up one of the ducklings and had in in her hands. The mother seemed to trust us enough.

"Do you wanna hold it?" She asked.
"Um... I'm not sur-"
"Oh come on it will be fun!" She insisted. "Come on! Cup your hands!"

I had done as she asked and she placed the duckling in my hand. I remember smiling bright at this and she called out, "aw, link. You two look so cute."

Before I knew it I was smiling at myself in the mirror. Good times I had when I was younger.

It was time to go and meet dark outside so I made my way down the castle greeting people as I made my way to the front. I saw his face and I walked up to him and waved.

"Well you seem chipper." He said slightly smiling also. "What happened?"
I pointed to my head and waved it off afterwards.
"I see. So a good thought?"
I tilted my hand side to side.
"A good memory?"
I nodded and pointed to the road in front of us.
"Yea, let's get going! He said grabbing my wrist and pulling me forward to the city.
As we reached the town people were waving and were shocked to see me out and about. I bet some of then even thought I was dead.

People seemed to wave and say hi. I would merely wave back and dark would respond for the both of us. We ended up having a lot of fun out in the town. It was a lot more fun then I would have ever guessed. I guess it's because dark was with me?
I smiled at people for a change and when the day was over and me and dark headed back for the castle, I ran into zelda at the entrance and I even smiled at her.
The disappointing thing was that she looked shocked to see a expression on my face other then sadness.
"Your so happy. What happened?" She asked now smiling herself, but this was different. This was a pure, genuine smile. Not one of the pathetic half smiles she gives me out of pity, but a real smile.
I shrugged and pointed to my head mimicking what I had done earlier for dark.
"Oh! Well I'm glad your feeling well! I have to get going but, don't you be loosing that smile. I love seeing it one you. You wear it well." Then she walked away.

I wanted to skip back to my room out of joy but I managed to keep my cool until I was back in my room and dark was waiting for me in the window seal. I spun in a circle and went over to dark and hugged him as a thankyou for helping me. It felt amazing to have people actually smile back at me and give me joy and not just half faked grief.
When I let go of dark he was blushing and I silently laughed and plopped on my bed kicking my shoes off.
Today was a good day. A jolly good day.

Hero, hero (from ten to zero) (link x dark)Where stories live. Discover now