14. Being A Runner

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As soon as I woke up, I decided to go get some breakfast. I get dressed, and head downstairs to the kitchen. I look down to find a bruise on my wrist from Gally last night, and cover it with my sleeve because God knows what Minho will do if he finds out Gally did it.

When I get into the kitchen everyone's there. Some are patting me on the back saying "well done" for saving Albys life, and others are mumbling about how I should be banished for going into the maze. I just shrug of all the bad comments. They didn't save someone's life, did they? I went to Frypan, who gave me eggs and toast and found where Minho was sitting and sat beside him.

"Bout time your up" He said, taking a bite of toast.

"Yeah sorry. Was really tired" I looked around and realized none of the runners had gone out. "Why are all the other runners still here? Shouldn't they be gone into the maze?" I ask

Minho huffed "Yeah they should have, but all the shuckers quit this mornin' because of what happened" I nod and starting eating my toast and egg, before a annoyed looking Newt sat down beside me. "The gatherings in ten minutes, so be ready" he says to me and Minho and walks off.

"Greeat. Are they gonna banish me?" I ask.

Minho stopped to think for a second
"Nah, well I don't think so. How could they? You saved mine and Albys life."

"I hope your right" I got up and brought my plate to the counter and said a quick 'Thanks' to Frypan who smiles in return. I had about 5 minutes left, so I decided to go to my spot, in the tree house.

As I climbed I heard someone climbing after me. I looked down to see Minho climbing up. He got up about 3 seconds after I pulled myself up. "I have to say, you should wear shorts more often" He winked at me and put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I shoved him a slight bit for the comment he'd made.

"I didn't hear you coming to bed" I say, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I was late going in" is all he said.

So we sat in silence, just awkwardly enjoying each others company.

Finally, we heard Newt telling us from the bottom of the tree that it was time for the gathering, so we started to climb down. After we got to the ground, Minho almost instantly grabbed my hand and then we started walking to the hut in the woods. The last time I was there is when I got attacked......I shook off the memory.

When we walk in, there's 11 people there, not including me. Albys missing of course. And when I turned to look at Gally, he had a black eye. Did Minho see what he did? Is that why Minho was late? I don't think he could have found out, could he? As we walked to the stand Minho pulled me behind him as we walked by Gally, and tensed up. Gally was looking sharply at him, before turning away. I looked at Minho, who was still looking at Gally, and when I shook him and gave him a 'what did you do?' Look. He just shook his head and loosened up and squeezed my hand.

Newt walked to the stand and cleared his throat. "I think we all know why we're here" he said looking at me.
"Our fellow glade member here, Skyler, took it upon herself to enter the maze without the permission of me or Alby" He rolled his eyes for sounding so formal.

Someone in the back mumbled "Yeah well Alby was kind of shucked" Newt glared at him, and the boy looked back down and shut up.

"So, Winstion, you go first"

The boy named Winstion also cleared his throat "I think she shouldn't be banished, after all she did save Albys life" This caused an uproar in everyone in the room except me and Newt. We glanced at each other, before him yelling at everyone to shut up. It took him at least 3 tries for him to shut everyone up completely.
"Guys, wait your turn! Now, Minho, you were there with her, what do you think we should do?"

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