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*Ash's pov*
I look around my room it is all filled with pictures of me and my mom. I get up and take a quick shower and put on some blue skinny jeans and a black V-Neck with red vans. I grab my stuff and a apple and head out the door. I am about to head into my first period when Ms. Boston calls me into her office and when I walk in I see Lily Black sitting in one of the chairs across from Ms. Boston's desk. She is wearing a blue skater skirt with a white shirt with red stripes with the word Selfie across her chest. Not that I was looking at her chest.
*Lilly's pov*
" Lilly I am so sorry. Please call me back"
I listen to the hundredth message That Aira has left for me. As I am about to head to Mr.Jackson class Ms. Boston calls me into her office. A few minutes late and she calls Someone else. "Mr. Diaz please sit down" She look at us for a moment before she begins to speak. " Now I want you to listen to what I have to say before you say anything, now Ms. Black I understand that you do not want to go to counseling, but I do feel that it is highly recommended to talk to someone who has lost a parent. And Mr. Diaz this is where you come in, you two will meet twice a week at each others house or some where else. I have all ready informed your parents and have a nice day" she shoves us out of her office and hands us late passes. " Soooooooooo we will meet I my house Ash. Is that okay?" " Ya that's fine see you later" he says as he walks down the other hall leaving me all by myself.

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