Chapter 1 - Introduction

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I got up and my brain was filled with things that happened on Friday. Friday, yes, one of the worst days of my life so far. I had to go downstairs next. To my polite parents, with whom I had to be polite also. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, getting greeted by my sister instantly. 

"Morning Liz." Katy said.

"Morning Katy." I answered.

"How did you sleep, darling?" My mother asked.

"Very well, thank you, what about you?" I answered as I sat down for breakfast.

"Good, thank you lovely daughter." She winked at me.

"I'm a lovely daughter also!" Katy said quickly.

"Of course dearest sister, but have you forgotten?" I asked.

"I must say I have sister, what may it be?" She asked back.

"It is my birthday tomorrow, love." I smiled brightly.

"Oh, yes. Of course, how could I be so daft?" She laughed. "I must apologize for forgetting."

"It's quite alright."

"So my lovely girls, what would you like for breakfast?" My mother interjected.

"A crumpet would be greatly satisfying, thank you." I answered.

"I would enjoy the same, please." Katy chimed in.

"Coming right up, loves." My mother answered in a sing song voice.

"Mother?" I asked

"Yes, love?" She answered

"Where may father be?"

"He had to leave for work early today, but he will be home early also." She smiled.

"Oh, what great news." I said excitedly.

"After breakfast could you two prepare for school, please?"

"Of course." Katy answered.

"I would be delighted to." I added.

After eating breakfast Katy and I walked out of the kitchen into the hall and up the stairs. We turned right, into the longest hall, she turned into the first door on the left. I kept walking.

"One door, two doors, three doors. Ah, number four." I giggled to myself.

"Talking to yourself again, miss Elizabeth?" One of our servants and my best male friend, Adrian, asked.

"Yes, and as I told you before. Call me Liz, Adrian." I smiled as I turned to him.

"Ah, but I can't. Your father would shout at me, miss Elizabeth." He winked.

"Fine, but I have to go change, so..." I waited for him to understand as he had followed me into my room.

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry." He quickly said after understanding.

"That's okay, but shoo." I joked.

"Bye then." I waved as I shut the door behind him.

"He is my only problem with staying polite at this house." I muttered to myself as I leant against the door.

After muttering to myself for a few seconds I remembered why I was in my room and quickly rushed to my walk in wardrobe.

I stood looking around until my eyes landed on one of my most beautiful dresses.

"That's for tomorrow on my birthday." I thought.

I set it aside and looked around again. I looked in the corner where I hang up my most used clothing and decided on a white thin strapped shirt, a dark blue jacket and a pair of light blue (denim) jeans. My shoes were just some old black sneakers, but no one ever looks at your feet, except people with a foot fetish...

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