at Neverland ranch

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Michael's pov

I'm in my way home. and I'm only thinking about Whitney her face, her dark brown eyes, her smile. oh my god , I must call her and invite her to come over Neverland ranch, will she come?,  I'll know tomorrow.

In the morning

Whitney pov

I was in the living room drinking my coffee when I heard the phone rings .

Whitney : "hello, Whitney Houston's place ".

Michael : "hello Whitney, it's me Michael".

Whitney (really, oh that's was unexpected) :"ah Michael, How are you doing today? "

Michael: " fine, I'm fine.. Ugh... and you? "

Whitney :" well I'm bored, but fine. "

Michael : "uhh... Whitney.. "

Whitney :" yess Michael "

Michael :" I was wondering ugh...., If you can come over Neverland tomorrow morning. "

Whitney pov

Did he just invited me right now to Neverland, Ohh I'll finish my job so soon than I was thinking.

Whitney :" sure, I'll be glad to.. "

Michael :"OK see you tomorrow at 09:00 am "

Whitney :"OK, bye, have a nice day. "
Michael :"the same for you "

Michael's pov

I hang up the phone and I was very happy she'll come, I'd better go and make a programme for tomorrow.

At night

Michael pov

I'm now in my bed ,but I can't sleep, I'm thinking just about tomorrow when I'll see Whitney.

Whitney pov

Tomorrow I'll meet Michael I can't believe it, my plan is working perfectly, I'm gonna sleep now, and better not to think at all just relax myself

In the morning

Michael pov

I woke up early this morning to prepare the breakfast for my Whitney ,now everything is ready, it's 08:45 am, Whitney should be here any minute now.

Whitney pov

I went to his home in Neverland, and he pulled out all the stops ,he picked me up in a helicopter ,and I got to the house ,and he had a coach to pick me up from the gate to his home. I finally saw him, he was waiting for me in front of the door , I walked toward him and he hugged me and i kissed him in the cheek and I see that he's blushing right now. He grabbed my hand and we run to the kitchen

Michael :"I thought that you didn't eat your breakfast yet, so I made this for you. "

Whitney surprised :" yes, you're right "

Michael laughing :" I'm always right, c'mon sit down "

I pulled a chair for her and she sits down and says :"thank you "

Whitney pov

On the table was Mini Pancake Kabobs, . Cannoli Stuffed French Toast, Strawberry Smoothie, Red Velvet Waffles with Cream Cheese Icing Drizzle,Eggs Benedict Casserole, Caramel Latte Pancakes, Nutella Espresso Mug Cake with Fresh Raspberries .oh my god as soon as I sit we started to eat . After we finished eating, Michael stand up and reach his hand for me I take it gently and he said :"I want to take you to a tour to see Neverland. "

Whitney :"sure "

Michael :"you'll have a fun"

We went first to the zoo he introduced me to all of his animals, then we went to the amusement park we started racing, then we went to the theatre we watched an officer and a gentleman.

Michael pov

After the film finished ,I turn my head to Whitney and our eyes met, I froze, I was just looking deeply at her beautiful eyes and she was looking at mine, how beautiful her eyes ,I'm melting now. Suddenly Whitney stood up and took my hand :"c'mon I came here to have fun, I still didn't see all Neverland "
I stand up and we walked out the theatre , we're now at the dance room.

Whitney :"this is amazing "

Michael :" here, where I preapere all the dance moves... "Whitney cuts me off.

Whitney :"about dancing I want you to teach me how I can do the moonwalk, and another dance moves, if that's okay with you . "

Michael :" of course , it's a pleasure. "

Whitney's pov

Michael started to teach me how to do the moonwalk and some dance moves.

After some while

Michael :" oh you learn very quickly "

Whitney :" thank you Michael "

Michael's pov

We went out from the dance room and we stood at my thinking tree.

Michael :"this is my thinking and giving tree. "

Whitney :"really, and why you call her like that "

Michael :"cause everytime I want to be alone ,to think ,to write a song I climb this tree "

Whitney : " oh, I see "

Michael :"you want to climb it now "

Whitney : " I don't know... "

Michael :"look it's now sunset time, it's  perfect to watch it from the tree c'mon.. "


Michael :"just follow me, and be careful "

Whitney :"OK, don't you worry "

Whitney's pov

we climbed the tree and we're sitting now Michael is behind me, he's holding me from my waist In order not to fall, we start talking about ourselves while we were watching sunset, I heard that his voice became flabby when he started to talk about his love life, how Brooke and Diana broke his heart, his past, and suddenly I remember how his brother broke my heart , and I start crying, I felt his warm hand wiping out my tears, I turned my head to face him and I start to look deeply in his eyes, we were looking at each other eyes, and unexpectedly we start kissing passionately.

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