Time Taunts Chapter 9

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*(Zelice's POV)* *(GUYS WE FINALLY UPDATED! Well me... I used the royal we.)*

"She doesn't remember?" I repeat the question to myself. Pretty much the same question I have asked Alex twice in only the span of twelve hours. (the first time when she asked her Alex blacked out again right away, she passed out for a good nine hours then when she woke up Zelice asked her again to no avail. Now it's been three hours of exploring and other stuff. No more wine though.)

It has been three hours since Alex woke up from her drinking tryout. Three hours of me considering what to hit her with when she finally decided to approach me. And three hours of Zack's stupid speech on what wines and beers this rich idiot had stored up in this death trap of a wine cellar, listening in from across the room to his babbles.

I was so impatient when Alex passed out for the second time it took all of my willpower not to kill her in her sleep. And when Alex finally woke up from her nice long infuriating nap you know what she said? NOTHING I WANTED TO HEAR I'LL TELL YOU THAT. No "I'm so sorry, I didn't know what I was doing". No "THAT BAT WOULD'VE EATEN MY FACE! THANKS FOR SAVING ME!" Nope all we got was "why do I feel so FRICKEN lightheaded?!" I stop my train of thought. When did I become so violent? 

I've never been this on edge claw-someone's-eyes-out jumpy before. Then again I've never really dealt well with enclosed spaces. Yes I know, the cat is claustrophobic. Hilarious. WELL SHUT YOUR BIG FAT MOUTHS OR I'L- I once again stopped myself, smacking myself in the face.

Each moment I spent in this intoxicating room seemed like a raging war, each minute slowly breaking down the iron wall defenses that represent my sanity. Each whiff of wine a cannon ball to the castle that stood for my calmness. It was only then did I realize that my claws were dug halfway through a sticky wine keg and the desert wine was shooting out of several of the holes my nails had made. (sticky wine is a desert wine meant to be served after dinner or with sweets. yes I looked it up.)

I climbed down from my perch on the barrel and made my way over to where Alex and Zack were sitting. Both munching on the baked potatoes that were delivered on an old wooden tray this morning. Today was the second day of 'detention' and this seemed like the only meal we were getting so I reached out my hand and snatched my potato from the platter, bringing it up to my mouth and taking a large bite. I turned around and behind my back I could sense Alex and Zack glaring at each other.

It was better than the food at home but obviously it was nothing compared to the bread I had munched on yesterday at the school's cafeteria. White fog slowly entered my vision as my sight went hazy. I took shallower breaths in hopes of escaping the fumes that lit fire in my throat with it's alcoholic smell, swallowing the rest of the small meal I blinked. Two more days... Can I really make it that far? I sighed as I crawled over to a random corner in the cellar and curled up as far away from the barrels of wine as I could get. If I was going to make it, I would need my full strength, and hopefully enough rest could provide me with the energy to carry on. 

I closed my eyes.

*(Eric's POV 'Or Conner')* *(also time skip rest of that day and next two days! MAGIC POWERS)*

It's been five days since we left in those carriages. Five days since I last saw my father. Five days since I last saw one of my best friends, Zack. 

Demi and Mocha have tried to keep me company but since they are younger than me we aren't even in the same classes. At night me and Demi talk to each other and tell each other about our day, sometimes showing new fighting moves or skills we've gained in class. 

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