Phil One Shot

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Okay, hi. I didn't proof-read this chapter and also I was listening to music while writing it so it might not make much sense, ask me anything you want in the comments.



I slowly pushed on the big metal graveyard gates, they let out an ear piercing squeal before slowly opening. I gingerly squeezed through the little gap that I had made in them and started walking down the old stone path. The noise of my boots hiting the stone path was the only sound in the graveyard, I was scared of what would happen when I reached his grave. It was 1 year since Phil died today, the 25th of April, this was the hardest day of the year for me. Living without Phil has sure been a struggle and sometimes I felt like the only way to escape this sadness was to kill myself, and join Phil, but my friends and family helped me through and here I am today.

I realized that I was approaching Phil's grave so I turned slightly to the left and slowly walked over to the place where my fiance was resting, dead. I tried to keep calm as I was walking over but with every step my breathing sped up and my heart dropped even further. It physically and mentally hurt me when I visited Phil.

My foot hit the edge of Phil's gravestone. As I read the message that was written on it, memories of our time together started to come back to me, flooding into my mind quickly.


I was at a party, a friends birthday party to be precise. I had consumed so much alcohol that I could barely stand up. I staggered into my friends kitchen to get some more alcohol when my phone started to ring. I felt around in my big handbag which surprisingly I hadn't lost in this big house. I finally felt my phone slip under my fingers so I reached in and pulled it out before pressing the green button and answering the call.


"Hi Claudia" It was my other friend, Emily. She sounded kind of sad and as if she had been crying.

"Are you okay?"

"No, not really" I frowned, concerned about my friend.

"Whats wrong?"

"I don't really know how to tell you this" I suddenly started to panick, normally Emily told me everything and anything with no hesitation. This meant that something bad had happened.

"Emily, whats wrong? Has something bad happened? Please just tell me"

I heard her sigh before answering me.

"Your sister..."

"Yes..?" I answered, urging her on.

"She... she got hit by a car, about twenty minutes ago" She said it quickly so I couldn't hear it properly but I heard it perfectly.

"WHAT?!" I suddenly sobered up and started shouting and crying, tears streaming down my face "NO NO NO THIS CAN'T BE TRUE!"

"I am so so sorry Claudia" She said before starting to cry over the phone to me. I carried on screaming and shouting down the phone to Emily before finally losing it and throwing my phone at the wall opposite the kitchen counter.

Once I heard it hit the floor I instantly regretted it but I didn't have time to cry over a broken phone right now. I staggered out of the kitchen and into the living room where there were people dancing everywhere so I had to fight my way through the crowd of people. I passed some people lying on the sofas kissing before running upstairs and down the hallway. I knew my best friend Hollie was in her bedroom with her boyfriend probably kissing or doing something even more intimate but I didnt care, I needed her with me at the moment. I stopped outside of her bedroom and I could hear moans already. I sighed before knocking on her door loudly. I stood outside for a couple of minutes, still crying and trying not to collapse on the floor in tears. She finally opened the door and I collapsed into her arms. She looked confused but she hugged me anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2013 ⏰

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