Chapter 1

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(Los Angeles, California)

"Hey Taxi?!" I yelled as a yellow car pulled up in front of me. "467 Beverly St." I said to the driver.. and the driver nods and closed the window splitting the back seats from the front. Next to me there was a girl, with brownish red hair.. she kinda looked 17 or act least turning 18 soon.. "Are you done inspecting me yet?", she laughed... "oh yeah sorry about that, um what's you're name?" "Well whats yours first?", she asked me. "Christian, Christian Collins.. Now are you going to tell me yours?" She just stared at me for a second, like she was studying me or trying to figure me out... Something like that.. "Oh yah um...I'm Karisma.", she said. "Do you have a last name?" I asked, even though that was the most stupid question to ask her because I already knew she had a last name. "Your stop miss" the driver interrupted her. "Nice to meet you Christian" she said as she was about to get out of the car. "Call me Chris." she just nodded in reply and then left the car. We drove for about another 5 minutes. Then my mom called me.. well my adoptive mom called me...I have to find my real family... "Sir your stop." he said, I paid him and I got out of the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2015 ⏰

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