The Beginning of a Great Adventure

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Teddi: I want to go outside. NOW!

Ming: NO!

Bunni: I'll just be going upstairs before this gets too rough.

It was too late. Teddi tapped her Moon Bracelet which sprouted her wings. She flew across the room, breaking everything she could find.

Ming: Stop. I'll tell you why you can't go outside.

Teddi: Why?

Ming: You need to learn how to defend yourselves before you can go outside and possibly get murdered by a Shadow. Just thinking positive.

Bunni: I have carrot bombs. 

Ming: So. You can blow up things. Big deal.

Bunni looked like she was about to cry. Teddi and Bunni stomped angrily to their rooms without uttering a sound.They didn't speak to Ming for the rest of the day.

At midnight, Teddi and Bunni had a plan. A plan to prove that they can fight the Shadow.

Teddi: Let's go. We gots a job to do.

They climbed out Teddi's window. They pranced through the streets, through the grass, through trees. It was 1 in the morning when they were attancked by a Shadow.

Teddi: It's go time.

Bunni threw 2 carrot bombs at the Shadow. She missed by a lot. The Shadow wrapped itself aroung Teddi. Teddi screamed like a banshee. Bunni focused and threw a bomb at the Shadow. She hit it like a boss. Teddi blew up like a ragdoll. She fell on the soft grass while she was hyperventilating, wishing that she didn't leave the house. The Shadow retreated to the sewers.

Bunni: We did it! Let's keep on going.

Teddi: Ugh. OK.

They fought 2 more Shadows before coming back to the house at 7 in the morning.

Ming: Have fun girls?

The two sisters screamed as Ming snuck up on them.

Teddi: Meep.

Ming: Well you made it back alive. That's a start. Don't leave without my permission ever again. Maybe.

Ming left the room. Teddi was jumping around and cheering. Bunni was tired so she went to her room and fell asleep.

Teddi: Yes!

This was only the start. These girls are relentless. They will prove themselves to Ming.

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