My Ice Prince: Beginning

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Once upon a time there lived a little girl named (Y/N). She had (Hair color) hair and (Eye Color) eyes. At least everything was good for (Y/N), except that she was alone and that there was a problem.

From what she remembered, She had a brother, and a dragon as her adoptive father. Her brothers name was Natsu. He had pink spiky hair and onyx eyes. The dragons name was Igneel.

Where was her brother?

That is to be unknown.

(Before Natsu and Igneel had disappeared)

July 6, X737

Just as (Y/N) and Natsu were fast asleep. "Dragon Soul Seal" was already full at launch. Igneel smiled to himself as he saw his little adoptive children asleep together.

"Be safe, little ones," Igneel had said before he drifted off into both of the dragon slayers bodies.

But then in the future, a celestial spirit Mage named Layla opened the doors of Eclipse.

July 7, X777.

That was the day on which (Y/N) and Natsu and the other young dragon slayers perceived their dragon parents to have suddenly disappear.

In reality, this was the day the dragon slayers reached the futures Era.


(Y/N) had no clue where she was and where was Natsu and Igneel so she decided to explore and look for them. What she didn't know that Igneel was inside her.

Before she started her search, she gather up resources such as food(berries, apples, etc.)

"Let's do this!" (Y/N) said before running in search of Igneel and Natsu. "For Igneel and Natsu!"

She was headed up north.


"Holy sh't!" A certain blue head said, looking out the window of his master Ur's house. "What?" Lyon asked, joining Gray, also looking out the window.

"Look at that girl!" Gray said. "Isn't she supposed to be cold?!"

"She looks Pretty hot to me," Lyon smirked, then blushed. Gray yelled in anger.

"DUMBASS!!!" Gray hit Lyon with a book that he found by a nearby book shelf. "Hmpf."

"Anyways, I'm gonna go talk to her. Something feels off." Gray said before going outside. Then catching up with (Y/N).

"H-Hey there! My name is Gray, Gray Fullbuster and Uh I want to ask you a question," Gray introduced himself then asked.

"Hi! My name is (Y/N) Drag-" (Y/N) saw a boy with white hair running up to them. "-Neel and What is it?" (Y/N) said, stopping her search for a moment.

"How are you not cold?" Gray finally asked. (Y/N) tensed up. "W-Well i-it is because-"

"Why hello there, cutie!" Lyon hit on (Y/N), making Gray slightly angry, and making (Y/N) blush.

Gray signed. "Lyon, it isn't time for your-"

Gray was stopped by Lyon's right hand covering his mouth. Lyon then put his left arm around (Y/N).

"My name is Lyon Vaista, and you are?" Lyon introduced himself then asked (Y/N). (Omg I think I made him kind of like Loke! >_<)

"M-My name is-" (Y/N) was cutoff by Gray who finally got Lyon's hand off of his mouth.

"Her name is (Y/N) Dragneel." Gray said. "And she's out of your league."

"What makes you think she's yours!" Lyon talked back to Gray then turning to you. "Where have you been all my life?"

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